Pressenza aderisce al mail bombing in occasione della mobilitazione internazionale di oggi 11 marzo e della riunione del Consiglio TRIPS alla WTO, e su invito di Nicoletta Dentico vi invitiamo a inviare l’email qui sotto agli indirizzi selezionati per chiedere che si sospendano i brevetti sui vaccini e sui farmaci anti Covid, come richiesto da diversi Paesi come Sudafrica e India e dalle reti della società civile mondiale.

E non dimenticate di firmare l’iniziativa europea:

No Profit on Pandemic


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The European Commisssion must support the TRIPS waiver without conditions!

Her Excellency Ursula Von der Leyen, EC president
His Excellency Valdis Dombrovskis, Commissioner DG trade
His Excellency Paolo Gentiloni, Commissioner DG Economic Affairs
His Excellency Thierry Breton, Commissioner DG Internal Market

We are writing to urge the European Commission to support the proposal currently on the table at the World Trade Organization (WTO) to waive relevant intellectual property obligations of the WTO, for the prevention, treatment, and containment of COVID-19. The proposal was presented by India and South Africa on October 2, 2020 and has since gained widespread international support. It will be discussed again tomorrow at the TRIPS Council in Geneva.

Since the start of the pandemic, the EU has consistently expressed support for global equitable access to vaccines, diagnostics, treatments, and other health technologies. And yet now,  through the European Commission speaking on behalf of the EU, it is obstructing and opposing the waiver proposal which seeks to remove relevant intellectual property monopolies so that production of COVID-19 medical products may be expanded and diversified globally.

EU’s opposition is simply indefensible and is contributing to deepening the global crises of inequality. It is also “self-defeating”, for as long as large parts of the world populations remain unprotected, new and more resistant virus mutations are likely to occur, threatening to prolong the pandemic, and continuing to further devastate livelihoods, communities and, economies, worldwide including in Italy and other EU countries.

We need urgent unprecedented action to be taken to contain the spread globally. We need manufacturers from every continent, in developing countries, wherever possible, engaged in production, if we are to overcome this pandemic.

This is the reason why we strongly urge you to demand that the European Commission unconditionally supports the proposal to waive certain TRIPS obligations, for the prevention, treatment and containment of COVID-19 and immediately stops obstructing its adoption. If the European Commission does not want to use the waiver, free to do that, but at least it should not prevent other countries from resorting to such measeure, provided by the WTO normative set-up.
