

The objective of is to spread awareness about this crisis and search for meaningful solutions. We believe that energy intensive globalization should end and it must be replaced by a low energy, ecologically sustainable local economies. If humanity is to survive, the destructive system of capitalism and consumerism must be replaced by an economic system which is based on just equitable distribution and need based use of resources. We strive to reach this goal with our motto, which is “Educate! Organize! Agitate!”

Fine di una egemonia: l’ONU deve riflettere il mutato assetto mondiale

Di Ramzy Baroud1,, 4/10/2018. C’è una spiegazione razionale del perché India e Brasile, due stati molto popolati e con grandi e crescenti economie, non sono membri permanenti del Consiglio di Sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite (UNSC). Il Consiglio – composto…

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