
South America

340+ organizations call on the EU to immediately halt trade negotiations with Brazil

In an open letter, more than 340 civil society organizations are calling upon the European Union to immediately halt negotiations of a free trade agreement with Mercosur (Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay) due to the deterioration of human rights and…

Secret Files Show How Brazil’s Elites Jailed Former President Lula and Cleared the Way for Bolsonaro

A political crisis is growing in Brazil after The Intercept revealed that the judge who helped jail former Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva likely aided federal prosecutors in their corruption case in an attempt to prevent Lula’s Workers’…

Lava Jato [Brazil]: The Intercept Reveals Conspiracy Between Judge and Prosecutors

Interception of messages reveals the plot between the judge and the prosecutors in a clear corruption of functions that changes the entire political scene of Brazil. Exclusive leaks from The Intercept Brazil prove that [Judge] Sergio Moro coordinated his actions…

30M in Brazil: second tsunami for education in two weeks

By RBA/Reportage by Felipe Mascari and Rodrigo Gomes/ Translation by Pressenza London Photos Mídia Ninja, Jonas Santos Mídia NINJA, Leandro Medeiros Students NINJA, Cassiano Marquez Mídia NINJA São Paulo, Rio and Belo Horizonte had the largest mobilisations. “They shook the…

Campaigns: Art for Democracy and Love Will Overcome Hatred

On Saturday, May 11, 2019, during the IV Latin American Humanist Forum, a picturesque round of conversation took place about the documentary “El Ódio” by Andrés Sal.Lari and about the campaigns “Art for Democracy” and “Love Will Overcome Hatred” which…

Bolivia’s universal healthcare is model for the world, says UN

The World Health Organization (WHO) has cited the universal healthcare system in Bolivia as a model for all. Media reports said: The U.N.’s World Health Organization praised Bolivia’s newly implemented universal health care system, known in the country as the…

Leave Venezuela alone, Lula tells Trump in interview

Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, the former president of Brazil, has called to respect the Venezuelan people and their right to decide their own future. In an interview, aired Tuesday, from the Federal Prison in Curitiba, Brazil, former President Lula da Silva commented…

Communication and Nonviolent Journalism Network

We publish here the notes taken by Alicia Muñoz during the deliberations that took place in the framework of the IV Latin American Humanist Forum, by the Communication and Nonviolent Journalism Network. They give an account of the concerns and…

The government of Colombia: its betrayal of the peace agreements and its two-sided discourse

Declaration of Colombians abroad, addressed to the international community to make visible the situation of misgovernment of Ivan Duque in Colombia, assassinations of social leaders, former FARC combatants, boycott of the Peace Accords, persecution of the JEP and little or…

The Humanist Forum seen from the outside

I left Santiago with the memory of the most beautiful closing event that I have ever lived… and considering that in my life as a university professor, writer and lecturer there were many such events, not to mention those that…

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