
Débora Nunes

Débora Nunes es doctora en Urbanismo, con tres post doctorados en torno a temas vinculados a la acción de la sociedad civil y del gobierno participativo. Participa de la red internacional Diálogos en humanidad y es coordinadora de la Escuela de Sustentabilidad Integral, que se basa en metodologías integradoras y en el paradigma cuántico-holístico-ecológico. Es profesora titular de la Universidad del Estado de Bahia, en el Curso de Urbanismo.

Social Networks and the Evolution of Conscience

Social networks are a very old human practice. With the emergence of the internet, they have gained a global strength and formats unprecedented in history. However, the most common view of the effect of social networks on contemporary societies is…

Letter to the end-of-the-world generation

It is in solidarity with you who today view the adult world with apprehension and wonder about the future that I write this text. I ask for your permission to offer my experience as a History teacher and researcher on…

Beyond the old world: lessons from the pandemic

I created the Integral Sustainability School with other partners, in 2015, in Salvador, Northeast of Brazil. In 2018, an inspiration that came during a long stay in India allowed me to write a short story called “Auroville, 2046. After the…

The Humanist Forum seen from the outside

I left Santiago with the memory of the most beautiful closing event that I have ever lived… and considering that in my life as a university professor, writer and lecturer there were many such events, not to mention those that…

A post-materialist science already exists

Thousands of practitioners around the world nowadays use knowledge that sits on the frontier of conventional science with fantastic results, but they are still considered more “witty” than serious professionals. In psychology, they are those who work with family constellations,…