
Humanism and Spirituality

World Humanist Forum, of a permanent character. Words by Antonio Carvallo

We publish here the words with which Antonio Carvallo introduced today’s virtual assembly of the World Humanist Forum: “The Forum is an ambit of exchange and discussion among humanists and likeminded people around the world to study and develop positions…

Our Ability to Think in Terms of Numbers Is Universal and Independent From Language

Most people learn to count and do basic arithmetic at a young age and don’t give these skills a second thought. But numerosity or numeracy, the ability to think about and use numbers, is more than a basic skill: It…

Nihilism is the word enemy of nonviolence

As we celebrate the contributions of Martin Luther King Jr., particularly his role in advancing civil rights through nonviolent activism, we are reminded of the ongoing struggle for racial equality and justice. Many people use this day to reflect on…

The World Humanist Forum convenes its First Assembly in 2025

On Saturday, January 25, 2025, the first Assembly of the World Humanist Forum will take place. At this meeting, various Thematic Tables will be put into dynamics that will have an international and intercultural character. Activists from all regions of…

Around Feminism and Islam: Intercultural Dialogue Between Pakistan and Senegal in the Outskirts of Dakar

On January 6th, in the deliberation hall of the Municipality of Malika (Dakar), a training meeting took place with the facilitators and animators of the project “Résaux de Femmes: Empowerment of Women and Gender Rights in Senegal,” promoted by Energia…

Behold, Be Awake: BCU Graduate School Hosts Advent Recollection

By: Lourdes A. Bela-o and Genevieve B. Kupang A heartfelt expression of gratitude for the blessings of 2024 and a time to reflect on the spirit of the Advent Season was held on December 12, 2024 at the Dr. Margarita…

In Praise of Imperfection

This title borrowed from the memoirs of scientist and Nobel laureate Rita Levi-Montalcini should help us learn from the weekly reading Vayigash what makes a good leader. In the context of the 2024 presidential election in the United States, there…

What Hannukah teaches about commitment and openness

Hanukkah is, perhaps, the easiest Jewish holiday to celebrate. There are no restrictions on what one may or may not do—no fasting and, in fact, no prohibitions except one: the lights of Hanukkah must not be used for any practical…

Elul: Self-Examination or Self-Righteousness?

“This past year has proven how fragile and precious life can be.” Rabbi Moshe Taragin, educator and author, begins his recent article with these words. It is written during the Hebrew month of Elul, which, this year, began in September.…

Film ‘Igualada’. History of struggles of Francia Márquez, Vice President of Colombia

IGUALADA: An “igualada”, a derogatory term (based on class, race, and gender) used to designate someone who acts as if they deserve rights and privileges that supposedly don’t correspond to them. Pressenza presents an interview with Juan Mejía Botero, director…

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