

ADB has a chance to get the “do no harm” principle right with stronger safeguards policy

The Board of Directors of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) is currently reviewing the draft of a proposed Environmental and Social Framework (ESF), which outlines new operational policies to better address environmental and social risks in ADB projects. This proposed…

Quota Reform Movement in Bangladesh: From Violence to Peace

Bangladesh witnessed an unprecedented anarchy and suffocating situation for more than a week centered on the quota reform movement. In the last four decades, such an anarchic situation has never arisen in the country. A special group, under the guise…

Nothing points to an opposition victory in Venezuela next Sunday, except for dubious polls

Ten candidates, backed by 38 parties, are running in this year’s presidential elections in Venezuela [next Sunday, July 28]. However, there is consensus that the race is centered on just two: President Nicolás Maduro and the main opposition bloc, the…

Is Kamala Harris the black swan of Donald Trump?

After Biden’s forced resignation from the Democratic race, Donald Trump would have woken up with an unexpected black swan that seriously threatens his triumphant return to the White House after the November elections, The new shining star of the Democratic…

Bringing Local Sustainable Development to Scale

For many organizations and agencies around the world, the matter of scaling local successes of development remains a seemingly insurmountable challenge and obligation. When participating in conferences, strategic planning, open forums, and studies on this critical necessity, so much of…

The World Is Pregnant Part 1: The Magicians That Mistook Their Trick For Reality Itself

About a month ago, I wrote an article entitled “How To Avoid Whiplash in 2024 and 2025” (1), in which I mentioned that it was a precursor to an upcoming piece of writing. My intention then was to begin working…

Fukushima Toxic Dumping

Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant is the world’s leading epicenter of toxic radioactive water released into the ocean. Yet, these activities are no longer closely monitored by mainstream media. As it happens, Tokyo Electric Power Company is the electric utility…

Extraordinary: nuclear weapons are in danger of extinction!!!!

In the last twenty-four hours, frightening news has been leaked to the international press about the imminent disappearance of nuclear weapons! According to cross-referenced information, following the entry into force of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW),…

A new industrial reconversion in Europe is coming?

The European economy has been based in the last decade on the so-called ‘alpine-Mediterranean diet’”, whose main ingredients were the urban boom, tourism, export and domestic consumption. Said formula created excellent minimalist dishes, highly suggestive appearance but empty of culinary…

A Ukrainian journalist critical of the Zelensky regime comments on the latest actions of the illegitimate Ukrainian president.

Zelensky rejects any peaceful solution to the conflict Hungarian Prime Minister Orbán unexpectedly visited Kiev and suggested to Zelensky that he take the first step – a nationwide ceasefire – and start peace talks with Russia. By Vasyl Muravitsky Meanwhile,…

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