

ADB has a chance to get the “do no harm” principle right with stronger safeguards policy

The Board of Directors of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) is currently reviewing the draft of a proposed Environmental and Social Framework (ESF), which outlines new operational policies to better address environmental and social risks in ADB projects. This proposed…

A new industrial reconversion in Europe is coming?

The European economy has been based in the last decade on the so-called ‘alpine-Mediterranean diet’”, whose main ingredients were the urban boom, tourism, export and domestic consumption. Said formula created excellent minimalist dishes, highly suggestive appearance but empty of culinary…

Africa’s deepening debt crisis: How Korea’s latest move would help make a difference

This year in June, South Korea hosted the first-ever Korea-Africa Summit since the Korean government was founded in 1948 by inviting delegations from 48 African countries, about 30 of whom were state leaders. It is believed by many experts in…

Pluriverse – The Latin American Critique of Development

This article is part of a series of contributions from the book Pluriverse – A Post-Development Dictionary, dedicated to all those who fight for the pluriverse by resisting injustice and seeking ways to live in harmony with nature. The world…

Time Is the New Money

Time banking is easing financial strain and promoting societal health. By Damon Orion In an economy driven by competition and self-interest, it’s easy for societal problems like unemployment, substandard quality of care in retirement facilities, and food insecurity to worsen.…

Africa in NATO’s sights?

The independence of African countries in the 1960s might suggest that colonialism is over, but some Western economies have remained tied to Africa’s cheap natural resources even after independence. Western countries have a vital need for cheap African strategic minerals…

How can Spain and Bangladesh Improve their Comprehensive Ties through PM Hasina’s Upcoming Madrid Visit?

Bangladesh PM Sheikh Hasina is expected to make an important official visit to Spain on July 21–22, which might strengthen current partnerships and determine the direction of future comprehensive Dhaka–Madrid relations. Given the strong and long-standing bilateral ties between Bangladesh…

FM Hasan Mahmud’s Riyadh Visit for Injecting a Strong Impetus into KSA-Bangladesh Diplomacy

by Ozair Islam From July 1–3, Bangladeshi FM Hasan Mahmud is in Riyadh on an official visit to cement the official diplomacy between Bangladesh and the KSA. There are two main reasons why this visit is really important. First, following…

Bangladesh’s reaction to Mamata’s stance on water sharing

One letter, many questions. Bangladesh is shocked by the statement that has come up in this letter! West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee has written this letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi. There is nothing wrong in writing letters, in…

Inflation, economic crisis and uncertainty in Bangladesh

In January 2009, when the Awami League came to power through a landslide victory in December’s general elections, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina saw terrorism and militancy as key factors threatening the security of the entire region. During the 2001-2006 rule…

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