

Americans, Your Grace Period is Over

It’s Time We Americans have collectively come to a point now where it’s safe to say that it’s no longer ok for us – for any of us – to be in the dark about a certain group of glaringly…

Will the Falklands again be a focus of conflict between Argentina and Britain?

The former Argentine President, Lionel Fernandez in his visit to Putin offered him the possibility of being “the gateway to Latin America” and in his meeting with Xi Jinping, confirmed Argentina’s adherence to the Belt and Silk Road Project, which…

Inti Raymi-Winter Solstice-Andean New Year

By Francisco Carpio Jordan Machaq Mara and Wilkakuti (Aymara) We Tripantu (Mapuche) On the 21st of June, in the southern hemisphere, the winter solstice takes place, which in our ancestral cultures was the time to celebrate the New Year and…

Kashmiri woman leads the way in overturning patriarchy in India

R.S. PORA, India – Smelling the toxic smoke of burning gunpowder and staring helplessly at fields covered in smoke and ash has always been traumatic. Running to shelters, abandoning homes, belongings and livestock every time Indian and Pakistani forces open…

What can prevent Trump’s victory in the US Presidency?

The current dominant system or American establishment would use the invisible dictatorship of compulsive consumerism of material goods to nullify the ideals of the primal individual and transform him into an uncritical being, fearful and conformist who will inevitably join…

How can Spain and Bangladesh Improve their Comprehensive Ties through PM Hasina’s Upcoming Madrid Visit?

Bangladesh PM Sheikh Hasina is expected to make an important official visit to Spain on July 21–22, which might strengthen current partnerships and determine the direction of future comprehensive Dhaka–Madrid relations. Given the strong and long-standing bilateral ties between Bangladesh…

Confronting NATO’s War Summit in Washington

After NATO’s catastrophic, illegal invasions of Yugoslavia, Libya and Afghanistan, on July 9th NATO plans to invade Washington DC. The good news is that it only plans to occupy Washington for three days. The British will not burn down the…

FM Hasan Mahmud’s Riyadh Visit for Injecting a Strong Impetus into KSA-Bangladesh Diplomacy

by Ozair Islam From July 1–3, Bangladeshi FM Hasan Mahmud is in Riyadh on an official visit to cement the official diplomacy between Bangladesh and the KSA. There are two main reasons why this visit is really important. First, following…

Trump/Biden Debate Immigration: US Foreign Policy as a Driver Is Ignored

Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door! Emma Lazarus’s inscription on the…

Social media addiction is real

Social networks are neither harmless nor neutral. They are designed to attract, maintain and increase the attention and engagement of their users. They are particularly risky for children and young people, as social media addiction is a real phenomenon. Social…

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