
Humanism and Spirituality

Tomás Hirsch: the meaning of nonviolent action

On February 1st the Chilean humanist Thomas Hirsch took part in the International Conference for Peace that took place at Munich, called “Non violent ways of regime change.” We publish here the transcript of his words: “The name proposed for…

The values of a new humanist economy

Humanists look at the world economy in despair.  A huge proportion of the world’s population lives in absolute poverty; living in order to survive, hoping that today they don’t get sick. On the other hand there are a tiny, tiny…

The Intranauts

By Francisco Javier Ruiz-Tagle It’s curious that the word in the title of this article doesn’t exist.  Other words have been coined like internaut, cybernaut, astronaut and Argonaut, but this word that might allude to a journey towards our interior…

Report of the Third West African Humanist Forum

Between the 20th and 22nd of December 2012 the Third Humanist Forum of West Africa took place in Lomé, Togo (following forums in Ivory Coast in September 2010 and Mali in September 2011). Joining the Togolese humanists were delegations from…

Thanks to Silo

There was respectful silence and then we heard those ancient harmonies of dancing spheres. Once upon a time in a distant land illuminated by a nicely round star and fed by the crystalline and round water droplets of Mount Aconcagua…

A Christmas Story: a tribute to the diversity of tolerant and peace loving Christians, Jews, Muslims and Hindus.

According to legend the Christian world celebrates December 25th as that special moment when the divine and the earthly connect for an eternal instant.  It’s the moment of the virgin birth of Jesus Christ. It tells of a modest birth…

One in Six People Worldwide Has No Religion – Study

The religiously unaffiliated people make up the third largest group around the world after Christians and Muslims. This group estimates roughly 16 % of the world’s population and is heavily concentrated in Asia and the Pacific. According to a report…

Third West African Humanist Forum: 20th to 22nd December

Between the 20th and 22nd of December 2012 the Third Humanist Forum of West Africa is taking place in Lomé, Togo. This forum has the aim to contribute to the creation of a new generation of Africans with solidarity who…

The Grinch who stole Christmas

Tony Robinson, spokesperson for World without Wars, writes in a personal capacity on the theme of Christmas, the monstrous consumerism of it all, the message of Jesus and his hope for a new humanist awakening in society. It’s December, there…

Islam – Violence and Non-violence

Media loves to project Islam as most violent religion, and certainly more violent than any other religion in the world and certainly so compared to Christianity, if not any other religion as far as western media is concerned. Journalism, even…

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