
Alexandra Vega-Rivera

Feminista, formada en Antropología (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina), escribe para diferentes medios de comunicación en la región, se desempeña como docente e investigadora y coordina para América Latina campañas en defensa y promoción de los DDHH. Integrante del portal y del Equipo de Estudios de Género en América Latina desde su conformación.

Francia Márquez: “And the payment for when?

Francia Márquez has bright eyes and a deep gaze. The firmness between her eyebrows hints at the absolute correspondence between her life experience and her speech. She takes notes with her left hand in a small notebook that closes with…

The government of Colombia: its betrayal of the peace agreements and its two-sided discourse

Declaration of Colombians abroad, addressed to the international community to make visible the situation of misgovernment of Ivan Duque in Colombia, assassinations of social leaders, former FARC combatants, boycott of the Peace Accords, persecution of the JEP and little or…

Madres de la Plaza de Mayo support Women’s Boat to Gaza

Every Thursday, more than two thousand Thursdays ago, at Plaza de Mayo at 3pm, right in front of the Government House in Buenos Aires, Argentina, the mothers who protest against the disappearance of their daughters and sons during the last…