
Anna Polo

Impegnata per anni nel campo della pace e della nonviolenza, ha fatto parte dell'equipe relazioni della Marcia Mondiale per la Pace e la Nonviolenza e in seguito di Mondo senza guerre e senza violenza. Attualmente partecipa alla redazione italiana di Pressenza e si occupa principalmente del tema migrazioni, pubblicando articoli e interviste e organizzando eventi.

Opening of the II IPB International Conference

The Congress opened, after a musical interlude, with the welcome given by Ingeborg Breines, co-president of IPB [International Peace Bureau] along with Reiner Braun, with more than a thousand participants. “We are here to understand, work together in friendship and…

Solidarity to Giulio Regeni from the University of Sheffield in the UK

The PhD community at the University of Sheffield Politics department expresses its full support and solidarity to the international campaign launched by Amnesty International demanding truth and justice for Giulio Regeni’s murder.

“Civil partnerships are not enough”: LGBT associations fill Piazza del Popolo in Rome

On Saturday 5th March, in Rome a demonstration announced two weeks ago to demand equal rights for gays and lesbians took place in Piazza del Popolo. The law approved in the Senate is a first step, but it is considered…

Statement on UK steps to ensure a full investigation of Giulio Regeni’s death

Hannah Waddilove, a former colleague of Giulio Regeni and a doctoral candidate at the University of Warwick, has launched a petition asking for the UK government to ensure that a reliable investigation is conducted. She said that Mr Regeni’s close…

Tony De Brum, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Marshall Islands: a brave struggle for nuclear disarmament

Together with your people, you have received the Right Livelihood Honorary Award for your courage and commitment to nuclear disarmament. When you were nine years old, you witnessed the ‘Bravo shot’ at Bikini Atoll, the largest-ever US nuclear test that…

The terrorists in suits and ties strike again

The terrorists in suits and ties who in January showed such indignation for the atrocious Parisian attack by their Kalashnikov-wielding twins have struck again. If a terrorist is distinguished by the cruelty and absolute indifference for the consequences of their…

“I want to take care of happiness.” Even (and especially) in Afghanistan

A country traumatized by decades of war; a people full of life and dignity; an active and courageous civil society; a project to help transition from fear to trust. We speak with Alberto Pennella – counsellor, poet, blogger and expert…

Who’s the terrorist?

The image of the events of 11th of January in Paris have provoked two opposing reactions: on the one hand I am greatly moved by the number of ordinary people who want to make a statement, with their presence, about…

Flash of the last day of the Nobel Peace Summit

A change of location for the last day of the Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates: no longer the auditorium at Music Park, but Julio Cesar Sala del Campidoglio, seat of the Communal Council of Rome. It began with a reading…

Passion, hugs, hypocrisy and commitment on the second day of the Summit

Outside the auditorium that hosted the Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates colourful canvases, posters and Tibet flags were displayed to welcome and support the Dalai Lama. It was a very busy morning, with three round tables that happened without a…

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