
Anna Polo

Impegnata per anni nel campo della pace e della nonviolenza, ha fatto parte dell'equipe relazioni della Marcia Mondiale per la Pace e la Nonviolenza e in seguito di Mondo senza guerre e senza violenza. Attualmente partecipa alla redazione italiana di Pressenza e si occupa principalmente del tema migrazioni, pubblicando articoli e interviste e organizzando eventi.

Paul Grüninger, the Swiss police officer whose reputation was restored after being condemned for saving hundreds of refugees’ lives

The recent arrest of Mimmo Lucano, the mayor of Riace, for “aiding illegal immigration” offers us another example of the ancient dilemma that pits law against justice. A dilemma at the heart of the Greek tragedy Antigone, it has emerged…

Riccardo Gatti of Open Arms: we won’t surrender

How should we react to the closure of Italian and Maltese ports, to the criminalisation of solidarity and to the misrepresentation of facts? We speak to Riccardo Gatti, the Captain of the Astral and Head of Mission of the Open…

Elly Schlein MEP: it takes political, social and cultural work to oppose hatred and intolerance

Migration policies, nationalist and xenophobic forces, networking between progressive political forces and civil society, opposition to hatred and intolerance and the value of non-violence. We discussed this with Elly Schlein, MEP for Possibile’ and rapporteur for her S&d Group (Progressive…

Moni Ovadia: accusing those who criticise Israel’s politics of anti-Semitism is shameful

Moni Ovadia is an Italian theatre actor, musician, singer and author. He has long been engaged in the search for a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict which earned him the Premio Colombe for Peace in 2005; we asked him for…

SfruttaZero, the tomato sauce project promoting awareness, solidarity and hope

In Puglia, a group of young Italians and migrants has launched an extraordinary venture, restoring positive meaning to the tomato, one of the symbols of a region where the exploitation of illegal workers for casual labour is rife. We talk…

Criminalisation of solidarity, Hungary at the forefront

Hungary, ruled by Viktor Orban’s racist right wing, has always distinguished itself for its anti-immigrant policy (just think of the barbed wire barrier built in 2015 on the border with Serbia), but those who oppose it are now being harshly…

Malalai Joya: I have to spread the truth about Afghanistan and awaken the consciousness of people

Malalai Joya is an Afghan politician, activist and writer. As an elected Member of Parliament, on December 17, 2003 in the Loya Jirga assembly, she denounced the presence of people she called “warlords and war criminals” in Parliament. Since then…

Daniele Biella: the core of civic engagement? Storytelling and staying human

In September you spent eight days on the Aquarius ship of the SOS Mediterranée NGO, engaged in migrant rescue operations with the help of Doctors without Borders and you defined it as “one of the most important experiences of your…

Can you be both gay and Muslim? Interview with Wajahat Abbas Kazmi of “Allah Loves Equality”

Sexual orientation, religion, family pressure, freedom of choice, and discrimination. These are just some of the  issues we discussed with Wajahat Abbas Kazmi, a filmmaker and young Pakistani Amnesty International activist in Italy. You moved to Italy at the age…

Reduction of military spending in DiEM25’s New Deal, a contribution from Pressenza

As journalists at the international press agency Pressenza and activists of the Humanist association “World without Wars and Violence”, we intend to make a contribution to the debate in DiEM25 and the development of an innovative and courageous platform for…

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