
Anna Polo

Impegnata per anni nel campo della pace e della nonviolenza, ha fatto parte dell'equipe relazioni della Marcia Mondiale per la Pace e la Nonviolenza e in seguito di Mondo senza guerre e senza violenza. Attualmente partecipa alla redazione italiana di Pressenza e si occupa principalmente del tema migrazioni, pubblicando articoli e interviste e organizzando eventi.

The causes of the electoral success of the far right in Germany. Interview with Reto Thumiger

In Thuringia and Saxony, where elections were held on Sunday, September 1, the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party obtained more than 30% of the vote with a turnout of 73.5%, while the government coalition parties (Social Democrats, Greens and…

Chile, the dangers of the new proposed Constitution. Interview with Tomás Hirsch

On December 17, the new draft Chilean Constitution, prepared in recent months by a Constitutional Council dominated by the extreme right, won an overwhelming victory in the May 7 [2023] [Constitutional Council] elections, will be put to a referendum. The…

Ella Keidar, young Israeli conscientious objector: “Despite this horrible situation there is still hope”

Mesravot is a network of activists and refusenik (conscientious objectors who refuse to serve in the Israeli army because of its occupation policies). We talk with one of its activists, Ella Keidar, 17 years old, who lives in Tel Aviv.…

BRICS and the future of humanity, an invitation to reflection

A multipolar and heterogeneous world is certainly more interesting than one dominated by a single power, the United States, with Europe in tow. The recent enlargement of the BRICS – Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa – with the…

Abdelfetah Mohamed, President of SOS MEDITERRANEE Italy: “The phenomenon of migration cannot be stopped, but must be faced together, without ideologies and exploitation”

In the last few days your ship Ocean Viking has carried out 15 rescue operations in the Mediterranean with the coordination of the Italian authorities, bringing on board a total of 623 migrants recovered from small boats in difficulty. Yet…

Chile – defeats, challenges and hopes. Interview with Tomás Hirsch

On Sunday 7 May, elections were held in Chile for the Constitutional Council, which will have to prepare a new draft Constitution, after the previous one, very advanced in many aspects, was rejected in the referendum of September 2022. The…

How to counter the toxic narrative on migrants, fossil fuels and war? Interview with Fabio Marcelli

Giorgia Meloni [Prime Minister of Italy] has just concluded a deal described as “historic” with Libya on gas and migrants. The agreement signed between Eni [an Italian multinational energy company] and Libyan energy company Noc involves an $8 billion investment…

Tomás Hirsch: “In Chile there is a complex social situation, but with encouraging elements”.

How do you see the current situation in Chile after the defeat in the plebiscite to approve the new Constitution? The current political and social situation in Chile is very complex. The defeat in the plebiscite was undoubtedly a very…

No to all wars. Sit-in at NATO base in Solbiate Olona

Flags, banners and activists of all ages were present at the sit-in at the NATO base in Solbiate Olona, in the province of Varese, one of the nine NATO rapid deployment commands in Europe, with more than 400 soldiers from…

Women who Build the Future: Gemma Bird

Started on March 8, International Women’s Day, Pressenza is publishing a series of video interviews entitled “Women who build the future, Towards a nonviolent culture ”. In this interview Anna Polo speaks with Gemma Bird, Senior Lecturer in Politics and International…

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