
Anna Polo

Impegnata per anni nel campo della pace e della nonviolenza, ha fatto parte dell'equipe relazioni della Marcia Mondiale per la Pace e la Nonviolenza e in seguito di Mondo senza guerre e senza violenza. Attualmente partecipa alla redazione italiana di Pressenza e si occupa principalmente del tema migrazioni, pubblicando articoli e interviste e organizzando eventi.

Ban Weaponized Drones from the World

Meticulous researchers have documented that U.S. drones are killing many innocent civilians in Pakistan, Yemen and elsewhere.  Drones are making the world less stable and creating new enemies. Their remoteness provides those responsible with a sense of immunity. Weaponized drones…

Breaking the Nuclear Chain – the Webinar

Thursday 29 November 2012 the first session of the Webinar was held focusing on “Nuclear Weapons and Nuclear Weapon Tests”. The first speaker, Dr Rebecca Johnson, Director of the Acronym Institute for Disarmament Diplomacy and Co-Chair of the International Campaign…

Breaking the Nuclear Chain campaign – New developments

Breaking the Nuclear Chain ( is a campaign of the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC), IKV Pax Christi and Peace Boat, that aims to give the debate on the consequences of the nuclear chain a human…

Breaking the nuclear chain”, a new campaign

The campaign “Breaking the Nuclear Chain” will be launched on 22 October 2012 by the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC), IKV Pax Christi and Peace Boat. We talk about this initiative and its objectives with Marte…

The wind of change blows

The resounding victory of “yes” to the referendum to repeal the privatization of water, the nuclear plants and a shameful law “ad personam” which would allow Berlusconi to not present himself at trials against him under the guise of a “legal impediment” was an act of civil disobedience, which involved 27 million Italians.

Laws repealed in Italy by referendum on 12-13 June

Here we publish a summary of the measures repealed by great majority during the Italian referendum.


The repeal of the rules on nuclear power has prevented the installation of new plants in Italy, preventing a return to a kind of energy that had already been rejected in the referendum of 1987, shortly after the Chernobyl accident.

The gentle force that changed Milan

The leftist candidate Giuliano Pisapia has won the municipal elections in Milan, ending 18 years of right-wing government. Victory of the left in Naples, Cagliari and other major cities: turned from Berlusconi in a referendum on his person and his government, the elections have shown a clear rejection by the Italians of a policy based on insults, threats and lies.

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