
Anna Polo

Impegnata per anni nel campo della pace e della nonviolenza, ha fatto parte dell'equipe relazioni della Marcia Mondiale per la Pace e la Nonviolenza e in seguito di Mondo senza guerre e senza violenza. Attualmente partecipa alla redazione italiana di Pressenza e si occupa principalmente del tema migrazioni, pubblicando articoli e interviste e organizzando eventi.

Courage, passion and humour in the Summit of the Nobel Peace Laureates

The passion and strength of those who dare to challenge the seemingly impossible, the sense of humour of a spiritual guide who knows how to communicate profound messages without useless and heavy solemnity and still the noticeable presence of a…

The creative force of nonviolence: interview with the directors of “Everyday Rebellion”

Everyday Rebellion is a documentary about creative forms of nonviolent protest all over the world. We talk about it with Arman and Arash Rihai, who directed it. How did you get the idea of a film about nonviolent movements? The…

The crisis and its challenges in Europe and South America – Part One

Viewed from Europe, the crisis seems global and the future bleak, but at world level: are things really that way? Are there countries or even continents living in a different situation, with certain optimism, offering alternative experiences, views and reasons…

Twenty years of studies on the Goddess: an inspiring conference

Photo: Friday, May the 9th, 2014, 6pm, the ‘International House of Women’ in Rome: an exhibition by women artists paying tribute to the Potnia with their work and a celebration to our Ancestresses mark the start of the conference…

Water is a human right – Interview with Maude Barlow

Starting our collaboration with the Right Livelihood Award Foundation, we are glad to publish an interview with one of their Laureates, world-renowned water activist Maude Barlow.  Maude, your latest book, Blue Future, is the final book of the Blue trilogy.…

“A path to a Just World – people reviving Democracy”. Comments on Noam Chomsky’s speech

In his fascinating and lucid 1h 20min speech to an audience of 2,500 people in the plenary hall on the first day of the Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum, Chomsky touched on many subjects, among them: the alternative model of…

Religious violence and experience of contact with the Sacred

In a world that is characterized by all sorts of violence (physical, economical, racial, psychological, sexual, etc.), a fanatic and intolerant aspect manifests itself with preoccupying intensity in the three monotheistic religions (Christianism, Judaism and Islam). Apart from constituting a…

Ideology and pragmatism

“I’m not saying this for ideological reasons… I’m not trying to give an ideological speech… Ideologies are dead…”  Precisions and declarations such as these are increasingly frequent and accepted and even valued as a sign of modernity and distancing oneself…

Reality and Utopia

Every time that someone talks about the madness of military spending and calls for its reduction there is always someone who leaps to its defence invoking international commitments, the reality that “unfortunately” requires the use of war and other similar…

Illuminating the darkness

When I started to collaborate with Pressenza in July, I wondered what meaning to give to this commitment to “alternative information”: the first impulse came from a rebellion against the growing manipulation that I notice every time I read the…

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