
Science and Technology

Push Back the Doomsday Clock!

Human Wrongs Watch By James Albertini*, 3 March 2015 – TRANSCEND Media Service We Are All Down Winders! March 1st is known as “Nuclear-Free & Independent Pacific Day.” It commemorates the tragic 15 megaton U.S. nuclear bomb test, code named Bravo,…

Grid-connected wave power supplying Australia

Myles Gough writing on the Science Alert website has detailed the launch of Australian company Carnegie Wave Energy’s wave power generating project where energy is continuously produced and the device can also supply zero-emission desalinated water.  The boast is that…

Inside the race for Canada’s nuclear waste

Some of your readers may be interested in viewing my presentation on Nuclear Waste Governance in Canada, presented in Salzburg Austria last September: . Unfortunately, the author of the ROB article damages his credibility early on by making some…

How to Reduce Heating, Cooling Primary Energy Consumption by up to 50%

Human Wrongs Watch Nairobi, 26 February 2015 – A transition to modern district energy systems could contribute to 60 per cent of required energy sector emissions reductions by 2050, and reduce primary energy consumption by up to 50 per cent,…

Science in a Suitcase: Testing for Illicit Drugs in Southeast Asia

Human Wrongs Watch 24 February 2015 – The production and movement of methamphetamines and heroin, coupled with the trafficking of precursor chemicals necessary to produce illicit drugs, present a major threat to the countries forming the Greater Mekong Sub-region.* And…

Two-thirds of the Three Billion Internet Users Come from Developing World, But…

Human Wrongs Watch Current estimates from the International Telecommunication Union show that there are almost 3 billion Internet users, two-thirds of them coming from the developing world today.  These numbers tell us that technology is now common even in areas…

New Software Keys in on Fins to Save Sharks

Human Wrongs Watch Rome, 19 February 2015 – Sharks may be able to swim more serenely one day thanks to a handy new digital technique developed by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) that allows for the quick identification of…

World Day to Combat Desertification 2015: ‘No such thing as a free lunch…’

Human Wrongs Watch The World Day to Combat Desertification (WDCD) is observed worldwide on 17 June every year. The focus this year is “attainment of food security for all through sustainable food systems.”* With the slogan, ‘No such thing as…

‘When you collect everything, you understand nothing’ – Snowden

Human Wrongs Watch 3 February 2015 (RT)* — National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden answered questions from Canadian students on Monday, telling them that mass surveillance can actually harm the ability to prevent terrorist attacks while also being detrimental to…

Science, belief, meaning and objectification

By Javier Zorrilla Eguren & Edmundo De la Torre Ugarte Humanist Centre of Studies, New Civilisation, Lima-Perú We usually understand science as an activity that interprets and transforms the world based on the logical organisation of data, validated by a…

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