
Science and Technology

Light Is Here and Has Its Own International Year!

Human Wrongs Watch 19 January 2015 — Tonight, an Aurora Borealis graced UNESCO’s Globe in Paris. The Northern Lights, a natural phenomenon only seen in much higher latitudes, were reproduced by artist Kari Kola on the UNESCO Headquarters in celebration…

Adaptive Society by Ross Milburn – a review

Londoner Ross Milburn, an IT writer now living in Hong Kong, introduces his book Adaptive Society as follows: “The horror of war set me on a lifelong quest to discover why human government is so bad, in spite of the…

Open letter to Modi and Obama from democratic, concerned citizens of India and the USA

We, as concerned and democratic citizens of India, and the US, welcome the coming together of two of the largest democracies of the world to work together to protect the rights of their citizens and their biodiversity. Both nations were…

Bad Science? How can we tell?

We recently published in Pressenza, and in good faith, an article about Monsanto’s production of yet another horrible, horrible substance, with the scary potential to inflict ‘autism in half of our children’. The ‘expert’ raising the alarm in this case,…

Thumbs down to Profs. plea to accept Nuclear Power

Hitting the news on both pro-environmental cleanliness and anti-nuclear power media channels was an appeal by no-less than seventy-five professors of various persuasions that pleaded with the ‘Greens’ to accept nuclear power. In the end it was concluded that nuclear…

How to upgrade democracy for the Internet era

Pia Mancini and her colleagues want to upgrade democracy in Argentina and beyond. Through their open-source mobile platform they want to bring citizens inside the legislative process, and run candidates who will listen to what they say. Transcript I have…

No More Weapons-Grade Uranium for Medical Use as Canada ships first synchrotron isotopes

Gordon Edwards placed a clarifying forward online regarding the article, “No More Weapons-Grade Uranium for Medical Use?: Canada ships first synchrotron isotopes”. We reproduce same here for readers technical reference. 1. The old messy way of getting medical isotopes using…

Net Neutrality explained by comedian John Oliver

“Net neutrality (also network neutrality or Internet neutrality) is the principle that Internet service providers and governments should treat all data on the Internet equally, not discriminating or charging differentially by user, content, site, platform, application, type of attached equipment,…

Right to Online Privacy at Risk as Governments Engage in Mass Surveillance – Counter-terrorism Expert

  Human Wrongs Watch States must be transparent about the nature of their electronic mass surveillance programmes, an independent United Nations counter-terrorism expert said on 23 October 2014 as he warned about the impact such measures might have on individuals’…

Blowin’ in the Wind

  Human Wrongs Watch By Sven Teske*, 21 October, 2014 (Greenpeace) – Wind power has a pivotal role to play in the world’s energy supply over the next few years. By providing huge amounts of clean, affordable power, it can buy us time in the…

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