
South America

Lula won by God’s hand

On the birthday of the world’s greatest popular myth, Brazil couldn’t go wrong. Because if there is something that Brazil has, it is roots, black entrails, ancestral rites, welcoming of all diasporas, resistance and macumba. Brazil is blood, sweat and…

A new paradigm: Nonviolence!

The campaign “Let’s Organise Peace and Active Nonviolence Now! in the Ihuanco Park of Study and Reflection” culminated this Sunday, October 23rd, with various activities carrying a message of peace and action against all types of violence: physical, economic, racial,…

The strength of nonviolence will transform the world!

With this and other slogans such as Violence can be learned, nonviolence too! the campaign: Let’s organise peace and active nonviolence Now! closed on Sunday 23 October in the Ihuanco Park of Study and Reflection. From the moment we arrived…

In the darkness of the night

A few events in the news are impacting our understanding of the current situation and have motivated me to write this piece. Putin annexes Ukraine’s Donbas region, while Ukraine reconquers other invaded cities and threatens to recapture Crimea. Putin declares…

I want to talk to you (me)

Childhood observes this world, listens to this life. What it hears, is it that we would like? What she sees, is it what is right? From where do children look? From what values would we like them to build this…

Humanism once again has a legalised political party in Chile

Today the more than necessary signatures to legalise Acción Humanista as a political party in Chile were presented to the Electoral Service. After two and a half years since some 300 militants left the Humanist Party and left that collectivity…

Catastrophes will give rise to a new world

This is the thesis of the short story “Auroville, 2046, after the end of a world”, written by the Brazilian author Débora Nunes and already published in eight languages. The book will be launched by the Multiconvergencia de Redes Globales,…

Luis Milani, a master teacher, a great builder

By Horacio Mesón When we receive the news of the almost sudden death of a loved one who also has other attributes – such as having been for the undersigned one of the models of life – this type of…

Luis Milani has left

Death, as a discreet companion, is stepping on tiptoe, silently, while it walks by our side, counting the days for an inevitable face to face encounter. Why don’t we keep it more present, don’t we reach out to it and…

Carcarañá Park of Study and Reflection celebrated its 13th anniversary

A sunny autumn day where the cold was displaced by Human Warmth Referents of various organisations of the International Humanist Movement, Communities of Silo’s Message, neighbours and friends of the Park, celebrated together this anniversary. A variety of activities and…

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