

The Story of Philosophy – from antiquity to the present

The Story of Philosophy – from antiquity to the present, By Christopher Delius and Matthias Gatzemeier, Deniz Sertcan, Kathleen Wunscher. Konemann publishers I thought to myself, now here is a book that might fill a few gaps as the topic…

Hong Kong: dead chicken props up rice cooker lid

The all-important (apparently) vote of the acceptance or not of the newly revamped electoral reform proposals for Hong Kong to vote for the position of Chief Executive (CE) ended in humiliation for Hong Kong’s administration and for Beijing as eight…

Water dragons splash through the seas at Mui Wo

Mui Wo, on Lantau Island, is a small village but on the weeks leading up to the Dragon Boat Festival celebrations it gets livelier by the day as dragon boat teams practice nightly on the dark waters off the quiet…

The greatest factory of shame is the blanket denial of human rights

A Statement by Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights at the Human Rights Council 29th Session  WORLD: ‘The greatest factory of shame is the blanket denial of human rights’ Mr. President, Excellencies, Colleagues, Seventy years…

Hong Kong protest against lack of electoral reform

Protesters carrying yellow umbrellas marched from Hong Kong’s Causeway Bay to the Legislative Council building in Admiralty near the Central business district yesterday June 14 in opposition to Beijing’s handling of and the local government’s submission to the electoral reform…

USA’s money printing press is pulling the world apart

America’s money printing press is pulling the world apart. This was exactly what happened in the Soviet Union’s dissolution and the hostile division in the various blocks of the old Soviet Union, presently being centered around Ukraine. America was able…

Stop using China as an excuse for inaction on climate change

By George Monbiot for The Guardian Invoking Yellow Peril tropes over China’s carbon footprint fails to recognise the fact its energy use is tied to our consumption, the country’s coal demand is dropping and Chinese people care more about climate…

Philippines: fishermen and farmer humanist groups thriving

In the aftermath of the supertyphoon Yolanda which hit Leyte, many relief and livelihood activities were launched by friends, families and members of Ang Komunidad together with other volunteer groups. Willa Tecson, Pasig, reporting Livelihood projects were started in Brgy.…

Open Letter of Appreciation to Dr. Zafrullah Chowdhury of Bangladesh

I am writing this short letter to express my appreciation with regard to the statement reported in the media; you have been quoted to have said, “you [referring to tribunal judges] misused your power”. We, in South Asia as well…

Bangladesh: hacking Mukto-Monas to death

Use of Internet, not to speak of blogging, continues to be restricted among enlightened people in Bangladesh, as more than half of its population has yet to get access to the modern connectivity. But the recent attacks on bloggers by…

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