

Philippines: #StopTheDiscrimination!

Take Action: Urge Philippines Congress to #StopTheDiscrimination! 02/09/2015 The Issue For more than a decade, the Philippines Congress has delayed taking action on the enactment of a comprehensive anti-discrimination bill. Now, a broad coalition of Filipino activists is urging Congress…

2015 women’s walk for peace in Korea

On May 24, 2015, 30 international women peacemakers from around the world will walk with Korean women, north and south, to call for an end to the Korean War and for a new beginning for a reunified Korea. We will…

A Theory of China

A Theory of China EDITORIAL, 2 February 2015 by Johan Galtung, 2 Feb 2015 – TRANSCEND Media Service Penang Institute, Penang A theory serves comprehension, prediction and identification of conditions for change. Seven such historical-cultural pointers will be indicated for…

India v. China: Border Games

India is now the belle of the ball, as most of the world and Asian regional powers make pilgrimages to New Delhi to flatter and flirt with India’s dynamic Prime Minister, Narendra Modi. From the blog of Chinamatters – Modi…

Stand on Japanese Hostage Crisis

By Emiko Nagano – Japanese Version There is no word to describe the sadness, the shock, and the anger Japanese are experiencing in the wake of cruel execution of the Japanese hostages by ISIS. Try to understand why and how…

“I want to take care of happiness.” Even (and especially) in Afghanistan

A country traumatized by decades of war; a people full of life and dignity; an active and courageous civil society; a project to help transition from fear to trust. We speak with Alberto Pennella – counsellor, poet, blogger and expert…

Hong Kong: the Yellow Umbrella is back on the street

Fifty-two days after the occupy protest site was cleared from its main areas, protesters gathered again on Hong Kong Island for a pro-democracy rally. The number ‘D7689′ was seen everywhere from banners to tattoos on people’s heads… – ‘D7′ representing…

South Korea: report from Jeju Island

Report from Jeju Island By Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space At this moment it is the early hours of Saturday morning on Jeju Island, South Korea. Police buses are coming into the small fishing and farming…

Northeast India celebrates R-Day defying militant’s threat

Guwahati, northeast India: Persistent militants’ threats on their minds, but patriotic fervors carrying in theirs hearts, the people of northeast India once again rose on the occasion to observe the Republic Day that commemorates the adoption of Indian constitution on…

Philippines: Promoting a Life of Non-Violence

Press release: Komunidad Para Sa Tao the Community for Human Development Out of more than 500 organizations/individuals that submitted their proposals to the Psychological Association of the Philippines, Edmongino Camacho of the Medical City and The Community for Human Development,…

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