America’s money printing press is pulling the world apart. This was exactly what happened in the Soviet Union’s dissolution and the hostile division in the various blocks of the old Soviet Union, presently being centered around Ukraine.

America was able to do this by simply use this Money Machine to lure the opportunistic parts of regions, such as in the old Soviet Union, China and Korea, and the entire Asia and Mideast, to betray their own people just in order to get a piece of the action with this “free-lunch” Money Machine.

By Joe Ching – computer programming entrepreneur and Korea unification advocate

Often times, it’s accompanied by monetary sanctions that America with this Machine has the sole power on earth to do. And it becomes a perfect one-two punch when the Machine is guarded with overwhelmingly superior-military threat, especially when most of the world’s powerful capitalist countries, like Japan, Britain, France and Germany have already been hijacked by the Machine and America’s military might.

In fact, the Machine has not only caused a distorted and separatist development of the world, but America’s reckless accumulations of financial and blood debts in recent years can be traced to it. Now, we are at a point where, if the machine should go away, America will fall. Therefore America is stuck to protect the Machine with its life, even if it means blowing up the world with WWIII.

But with China’s rise in economics and Russia’s re-rise in military, the Machine will “go away”. And America will launch WWIII. This is unless, at the last critical moment, Japan jumps ship. And many recent signs, from mystifying actions of Japanese Prime Minister Abe, point to this possibility. It is possible Japan could pre-empt America to prevent America from starting the war. And Japan has had enough experience in doing that to make sure it would not miss next time.

Well, talking theories on a chess board is fun and free. But we should not just limit ourselves to all the dire moves. Let’s look at the other side of the coin and talk about something promising and optimistic.

We should start at the point after Japan made its move for peace.
Once the world is not monetarily biased, lands of common root cultures can reunify or simply unify, such as the cultural unification of Korea, Japan and China and the reunification of Soviet Union – all toward the ultimate unification of the entire globe.

Then, what’s left for America to do? America must cut its losses and start to do some good for a change. The world has long waited and America has long lip-serviced the people of the world saying that it is the new-found land in North America that would become a beacon of hope for the rest of the old-tired world.

With still the best research and development infrastructure intact, that was built by the best and brightest immigrants from around the world, America should transform itself to the center of innovation for the world, by attracting even more talents from other lands, and possibly also reverse immigrate some of the “free-lunch” deadwoods out of the country.

As a true center of innovation of the world, America needs to take to heart the non-intellectual-property concept that the open source community of computer software denizens started on the Internet. Now all innovations in the world will go to everybody free of charge. The evil of capitalism will finally be exposed by the beneficial consequences and all exploitation of the weak by the strong will be eliminated.

No one will own this world anymore, because everyone will.