

Stop using China as an excuse for inaction on climate change

By George Monbiot for The Guardian Invoking Yellow Peril tropes over China’s carbon footprint fails to recognise the fact its energy use is tied to our consumption, the country’s coal demand is dropping and Chinese people care more about climate…

Philippines: fishermen and farmer humanist groups thriving

In the aftermath of the supertyphoon Yolanda which hit Leyte, many relief and livelihood activities were launched by friends, families and members of Ang Komunidad together with other volunteer groups. Willa Tecson, Pasig, reporting Livelihood projects were started in Brgy.…

Open Letter of Appreciation to Dr. Zafrullah Chowdhury of Bangladesh

I am writing this short letter to express my appreciation with regard to the statement reported in the media; you have been quoted to have said, “you [referring to tribunal judges] misused your power”. We, in South Asia as well…

Bangladesh: hacking Mukto-Monas to death

Use of Internet, not to speak of blogging, continues to be restricted among enlightened people in Bangladesh, as more than half of its population has yet to get access to the modern connectivity. But the recent attacks on bloggers by…

Jammu-Kashmir: young Sikh shot by police

Jammu is under curfew imposed following disturbances after police fired into a crowd of protesters on June 4 and shot a 24-year old telecom engineer. in the head, instantly killing him. The victim was Bhai Jagjeet Singh, resident of the…

Small-scale agriculture viable in Hong Kong

The Legislative Council’s panel on food safety and environmental hygiene released its paper on sustainable agricultural development, asking for comments prior to the next meeting on June 9, 2015.  The Humanist Association of Hong Kong submitted a brief comment on…

Increasing tension in the South China Sea

An increasingly tense situation is developing between many countries in the Far East at the moment. China this week has been criticised by the USA for reclaiming land and building harbours and airstrips in the South China Sea. The dispute…

Hong Kong at another crossroad

This year, leaders of student unions at several universities have decided not to attend the vigil commemorating the 1989 Tiananmen Crackdown, always held at Hong Kong’s Victoria Park. This is in protest at one of the main organiser’s – the…

Is life just a movie or a reality?

These days the frequency of earthquakes occuring all around the world is giving alarm while the warning horns of racing ambulances trying to get through jammed traffic to reach hospital is a common sight. It is supposed that drivers in…

Okinawa, Japan: fighting to save nature and culture

The right-wing newspaper, Washington Times, ran a piece on Monday entitled “The other side to the Okinawa story: The ‘All Okinawa’ opposition to US military presence [occupation] is a leftist ruse”. The hit piece was written by Robert Eldridge (former…

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