

Medea Benjamin: “Nonviolence is the only path”

During the International Peace Bureau World Congress in Berlin we have interviewed Medea Benjamin, US activist for peace and human rights. Here below the link to the complete interview

From pacifism to nonviolence in Berlin

With the slogan “Reconciliation is the only path to peace”, on the 1st of October, the eve of the International Day of Nonviolence, hundreds of people formed a human peace symbol in Berlin that then transformed into the symbol of…

Interview with Luz Jahnen, producer of the documentary film, “Beyond Revenge”

Luz Jahnen is German and the producer of this film, a humanist, a researcher and a defender of the need to surpass this violence-based system. Pressenza: you published a monograph “Revenge, violence and reconciliation” and subsequently you have given and…

The World premier of “Beyond Revenge” to take place in Berlin on the 2nd of October

On Saturday, October the 2nd, coinciding with the International Day of Nonviolence, the premier of the documentary film Beyond Revenge will be screened within the programme of the world congress of the International Peace Bureau, whose slogan this year is…

People in Cleveland, Ohio gathered for three days to demand peace, social justice and non-violent solutions

From July 15th to 17th the People’s Justice and Peace Convention 2016 took place in Cleveland, Ohio. We spoke with Greg Coleridge, Director of the Northeast Ohio American Friends Service Committee, and one of the organizers of the Convention, whose…

“Civil Disobedience is survival”

Ireri Carrasco sues Obama Admin for denying her DACA over protestas In Chicago, a migrant justice activist is suing the Department of Homeland Security for refusing to renew her DACA protection because of her activism. Twenty-nine-year-old Ireri Unzueta Carrasco received…

Palestine in the Media: A call for light and hope in the darkness

Pressenza was invited to participate in the Palestine International Forum for Media and Communication that took place on May 18-19, 2016 in Istanbul, Turkey. Our representative, Marianella Kloka, was given the opportunity to address with a short speech the audience,…

The Sanders Voter: protesting American privilege at home and abroad

by Peter Bloom for Common Dreams Even as Sanders “path to victory” increasingly narrows, the passion for his candidacy grows in intensity. Recent victories in Indiana and Oregon reflect the continuing desire for a progressive alternative to Clinton and Centrist…

Ending human violence is a task for each of us

Do you think that ending human violence is impossible? Do you believe that even aiming to do so is unrealistic? Well, you might be right. But you might also be interested to know that there are a lot of people…

Attacks in Brussels: no way out through violence.

We strongly condemn the attacks carried out today in Brussels, as we condemn all wars, wherever they may be. It is with immense sadness and great determination that we express our solidarity to the victims and their loved ones. With…

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