
Tony Henderson

(1942-2016) Tony Henderson was a freelance writer working in Hong Kong, since 1980, and previously Japan, for seven years following two years in Mauritius after a year in Libya. Long time participant in the Humanist Movement and spokesman for Universal Humanism in Hong Kong. Also, he was Pressenza Hong Kong Bureau Chief.

Continued violence by military not an answer in Kashmir

The death toll now stands at 19 on Monday 11, July 2016, after the weekend’s military onslaught on civilians in Indian-administered Kashmir with the crackdown on the processions of mourners and protesters. Kashmiris meanwhile lament about the lack of international…

Hong Kong bookseller disappearances

There are many people in Hong Kong who give short shift to opinions that are not in total support of the booksellers who became popularly notorious as heroes of those opposing Beijing’s strong rule over this territory. One writer who…

Bangladeshis are refusing to be rattled

The popular media,, reports that Muslims in Bangladesh are refusing to be rattled by the latest terror attack near the largest congregation ground for religious rites hard on the heels of the bloody carnage at the Dhaka café. This…

Spotlight Documentary Film Festival, Atlanta, chooses Silo

Silo a Spiritual Path wins Platinum Award at Spotlight Documentary Film Festival, Atlanta, Georgia USA The award winning film, Silo a Spiritual Path (Hollywood International Independent Documentary Award of Excellence) has won a Platinum award at the Spotlight Documentary Film…

Bangladesh: importing terror, exporting fear

The terrible attack on Holey Artisan café in the upper-end Gulshan business district of Dhaka, Bangladesh will have succeeded in announcing that ISIL is indeed in the country. The government was reluctant to admit this fact but it is difficult to…

Hong Kong’s day of protest demonstrates civility

July 1 is the anniversary of Hong Kong’s return to the sovereignty of China and has become a day of protest where all kinds of social grievances are brought to the streets from calls for more LGBT rights to demands…

Mongolia election win puts poverty on the breadline

Mongolia’s political opposition took control of parliament in a landslide vote where the Mongolian People’s Party (MPP) got 65 of 76 seats after vowing to boost the economy in this once pastoral land but recently discovered haven of mineral-rich deposits.…

Timor-Leste vs Australia over disputed oil-gas and proximity rights

Australia is showing its worst side in its dealings with Timor-Leste over territorial waters claims that involve oil and of a lesser import to the big island, fisheries, by ignoring the smaller country’s legitimate rights which it intends taking to…

Brexit as a reality offers fresh British-European-Humanist opportunities

Instability is a prime condition for deep changes to take place in any situation and what determines how everything moves is primarily determined by the stronger forces impinging on that situation. As the orthodox forces are pretty much balanced, as…

Silo a Spiritual Path, official selection, Hong Kong Arthouse Film Festival

Award winning documentary film has Global appeal making inroads into Asia. The award winning movie, Silo a Spiritual Path (Hollywood International Independent Documentary Award of Excellence) has been selected to be included in the Hong Kong Arthouse Film Festival. Following…

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