

Convivialism and World Social Forum

The convivialist international, signatory of the second Convivialist Manifesto, has begun to formally establish itself as an association based in Hamburg – see its website: Partner of other convivialist organisations, French conviviality, German conviviality and the international movement of…

Road to the future: United Nations celebrates International Day of Human Brotherhood

On 21 December 2020, the United Nations General Assembly adopted resolution A/RES/75/200, designating 4 February as International Human Fraternity Day, to be commemorated annually from 2021. The resolution recognises initiatives that foster interfaith and intercultural dialogue and encourages all Member…

Filipinos are Good at Being “Resilient”: Lifting the Philippines out of Poverty with Sam Tamayo’s non-profit Project SMILE

Sabrina (Sam) Tamayo founded her non-profit, Project SMILE, in the Philippines in 2018. Her organization helps people of various ages and professions rise out of poverty and follows an inspiring mantra of starting small and building a reliable impact. In…

Yes, I’m a Jew! So what? The Dilemmas of Being Jewish and Left-wing in Chile

After forty days and forty nights on the ark, crammed among a large family and animals of all species, the waters began to recede, and Noah saw an extraordinary seven-colored bow of light in the sky. Noah and his descendants…

Disability, a world to be adapted and not the other way round

December 3rd International Day of Disability The United Nations in 1992 declared December 3rd as the International Day of Disability. The aim is to promote the rights and wellbeing of persons with disabilities in all ambits of society and development,…

25N, International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

This November 25, International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, hundreds of women marched in Quito denouncing violence against women throughout the country, while demanding the implementation of consistent policies.          

Ecuador: Nonviolent October 2023 comes to an end.

I want to live without fear, that’s why I build Nonviolence! This was the message that resounded for a month in multiple activities of the Nonviolent October, promoted in its twelfth year by the humanist collective “Espacio No Violento” and…

Nonviolent October begins in Ecuador

12 years ago, a group of humanists in Quito, Ecuador articulated as Espacio No Violento (Nonviolent Space) took the decision to convene organisations to make visible the nonviolent initiatives they had been implementing; thus, a first public, open and inclusive…

Chuseok: Celebrating the Korean Thanksgiving Festival with Foreign Nationalities

The Korean Thanksgiving, known as Chuseok or Hangaw, is celebrated across the peninsula and worldwide where Koreans are residing. This holiday is a time when families gather together to offer thanks to their ancestors for an abundant harvest. It is…

Baguio Central University Celebrates the Culmination of Buwan ng Wika

by Arlene Agbasil Mintas and Genevieve Balance Kupang Baguio Central University (BCU), under the auspices of the College of Teacher Education and Liberal Arts (CTELA), marked the festive culmination of Buwan ng Wika (BnW: Language Month) at the BCU Function…

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