

The Catalan and Basque differential in politics

Yesterday’s general elections were held in Spain; as usual, the population voted in a similar way all over Spain except in Catalonia and the Basque Country. While in Spain as a whole the most-voted party was the PP with 33%,…

I am a blind person who feels a lot of love and force: a testimony of life

“Your perception of the world is a reflection of your state of consciousness.” My name is Antonia. I was 26 years old, I was reading at the time when I rubbed my eye and I resumed reading and suddenly I…

Supreme Court Preserves College Preferences for Wealthy Whites

In its recent ruling on affirmative action in college admissions, the Supreme Court’s conservative justices squarely came down on the side of race and class-based preferences—for wealthy whites. By Sonali Kolhatkar The United States Supreme Court’s recent ruling striking down race as…

The two-sided uprising sweeping France

One side of the uprising is about the habitability of Earth, the other is about the habitability of France for communities of color. By Nicolas Haeringer On June 27, Nahel Merzouk, a 17-year-old French boy of North African descent was…

More than 70 countries pledge to strengthen the right to free education

Statement at the UN supports free education from pre-school to secondary school level This week at the United Nations Human Rights Council, more than 70 countries from all regions of the world expressed their support for “efforts to strengthen the…

“No one brought homosexuality to my village”

Being gay in rural Namibia – The story of Owen Sinengela In certain parts of Namibia, a man who exhibits feminine behaviour is subjected to derogatory names such as “moffie” or “eshenge.” These were the names that Owen Sinengela (30)…

The enormous challenges of linguistic diversity in Peru

Public policies are needed that address the scale of the problem according to its urgency, and this is not what the administration of Dina Boluarte and Alberto Otárola seems to be emphasising. The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed the International…

Neofascists start hate speech against the LGBTQ+ community in Crete

“We will put an end to this brothel”, say two candidates of the neo-fascist – not only in name but also in practice – Spartans party that recently entered the Greek Parliament. They were parliamentary candidates in Rethymnon and Chania.…

Valuing diversity or taking refuge in prejudices

Article 1 of the Constitution states that “people are born free and equal in dignity and rights”. Article 4 of the 2022 constitutional proposal stated that “People are born and remain free, interdependent and equal in dignity and rights”. Today,…

LEGO: Proselytising model to build

I will begin by anticipating misinterpretations or gossip. I defend and will defend the basic rights of all of us to freely choose our ideas, our faith, or our sexuality, which cannot be imposed from any moral, ideological, or religious…

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