
Javier Belda

He has participated in the New Universalist Humanism since 1989, promoting activities in the fields of journalism and global politics. Member of the World Center of Humanist Studies. Redaction Team of Barcelona in Pressenza IPA. Contact:

Milei government and communication policies/Freedom was not for expression

“Consequently, the role of the press has changed radically. It no longer consists essentially of debating, but of interpreting and helping to underpin government decisions with the arguments it can bring to bear.” Max Ruchner, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, October 1933…

Time and energy control

In order to understand what historical moment we find ourselves in, it is not only about the geopolitics of the great powers, it is about seeing history in its present dynamic, trying to observe the interaction of various factors. Transhumanism…

Kaira vs. NATO

Felipe VI and Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez presided over a ceremony in Madrid on Monday to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Spain’s entry into NATO, a prelude to the summit of the leaders of the 30 allied countries that will…

From the “Tokarev report” to the “Denisova report”

In 1981 Salvatore Puledda published his novel The Tókarev Report. At the time, the Humanist Movement was at its peak. Only 12 years had passed since Silo had delivered his harangue “The Healing of Suffering” in Punta de Vacas. There…

General Elections in Spain: “Great mobilization against hate speech”.

Strong electoral results against the insane dreams of neofascism. The participation in the general elections of April 28 has exceeded 75% in all of Spain, almost 9 points more than in the 2016 elections. The increase was even more marked…

“Our proposals aim to shake Europe,” interview with Daniel Cruz

We talked to Daniel Cruz from DIEM25-Barcelona about refugees, the refugee camps in Greece and the projects he is currently working on: DIEM25 as a local organiser in Barcelona and Pressenza as a journalist. Refugees In DIEM25 we deal with…

A Dual World

27.09.2016 Barcelona – Javier Belda “1984” by George Orwell, published in 1949, was one of those books of the so-called dystopian literature, which reached several generations who were captivated by the aesthetics of existentialism’s sombre tones, Pink Floyd’s chords and…

Rights of Nature—Why Do We Need It? 2

 In the last 40 years alone—the time from which the first environmental laws were enacted, we have ex­tinguished 50% of the populations of all species on earth, climate change is upon us, and the world’s ecosystems are col­lapsing. One of…

Rights of Nature—Why Do We Need It? 1

Por Mumta Ito Our planet Earth in its present mode of fluorescence is being devastated. This devastation is being fostered and protected by legal, political and economic establishments that exalt the human community while offering no protection to the nonhuman…

War through the media

There are people who claim that humanity, since its origins, can only be interpreted in terms of war: we have always killed each other. We kill each other to steal; we kill each other to occupy a particular space, a cave or a piece of fertile land. We also kill each other to be the leader, out of envy, due to jealousy or sadism.