

Devonport Dockyard: No Nuclear Dump, No Nuclear Waste

CND welcomes the decision by politicians in Plymouth to oppose plans for a nuclear waste factory in the center of their city.
In preparation for a major protest demonstration march on Saturday 31st October, Kate Hudson, Chair of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, welcomed the decision of Plymouth Council leader to challenge nuclear dump at Plymouth’s Devonport Dockyard.

Debate surrounds the selection of Obama for the Nobel Peace Prize

The Nobel Peace Prize that U.S. President Barack Obama recently received continues to provoke strong debate. Writers, ambassadors and institutions have opined on the controversial choice. What is certain is that, with this award, it is hoped that Obama makes a contribution to the strengthening of Peace in his country and in the world.

Social Organizations from Panama reject the installation of North American Military bases

Rural and indigenous movements, along with teacher, student and worker organizations declared their rejection of the agreement, which could be signed on 30th October, between the Governments of Panama and the United States to reinstall military bases. The project falls under Plan Colombia, now the Mérida Initiative, designed by the North American Government.

Rajagopal seeks support in Europe for the landless in India

Rajagopal, founder of Ekta Parishad, a movement that promotes non-violent struggle in favor of the landless in India, is currently touring Europe. In Madrid, he held a meeting with various organizations to share information and create a network of support for his initiatives, aimed at making legal changes to assist the poorest segments in Indian society.

Middle East team arrives in Turkey

The flags of Peace and Nonviolence have entered Turkey from Syria. The teams met on the sixteenth at a border pass in the region of Hatay, in the middle of the night and on a road with little traffic at that time. The group had come from Syria on foot. After passport control, the two teams greeted each other with hugs and laughter.

Winds of Change for Peace in Diyarbakir

On October 19, after having met with some of the well known figures of this southwestern Anatolian city, the Middle East team of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence took part in a festival amongst a gathering of 4000 strong, sharing their message of nonviolence at a time where the possibility seems to be opening up for peace between Turks and Kurds in this part of Turkey.

Gorbachev congratulations to Obama’s Nobel

Here we publish Mikhail Gorbachev’s open letter to the President of the United States, congratulating him for his efforts to bring about a significant change in the international climate and on being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize 2009, asking the support from Americans and from men and women of good will throughout the world.

Alarming Statistics on the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty

One day on from World Food Day, the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty aims to raise awareness within the public opinion, about the importance of eradicating poverty and homelessness in all countries, and especially in the developing countries. But the shortfall between the aims of this proposal and the real data grows every day.

Demonstrations throughout Spain demanding real action against poverty

*The Alianza Española contra la Pobreza has called for, during the week of October 16-18 in more than 50 cities throughout Spain, demonstrations against the causes of poverty and for achievement of the Millennium Development Goals under the rubric “Rebel against Poverty”. The demonstrators demand that the Government fulfill its promises.*

Demonstration Against Immigration Law

Dozens of organizations demonstrated this past Saturday, October 17, in Madrid, to demand the discontinuation of the project to reform immigration law. “We are protesting because this law sanctions discrimination against immigrants and signifies a violation of human rights,” proclaimed Sara Tajuelo, spokesperson for the Convergence of Cultures.

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