
Culture and Media

Nobel Peace Laureates and the World March

The WM spokesperson in Europe, Giorgio Schultze had a meeting with the “Nobel Peace Laureates”. The group will receive the World March Base Team in Berlin during the Summit that will take place on the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. On this occasion, Silo has been invited to speak about the subject of “peace and nonviolence in the present moment”.

More than 776 million adults are illiterate

About 776 million adults, mostly women, are illiterate, and 75 million children are outside the schools system, the UN Secretary General stressed on the occasion of World Literacy Day, and went on to explain that only education allows individuals to exercise their rights as citizens and human beings. Mr. Ban called upon all to redouble the commitment to universal literacy.

Financing the World March through donated kilometres

A letter aimed towards endorsers of the World March has been sent by the International Spokesperson for the World March for Peace and Nonviolence, Rafael de la Rubia, asking for people to donate kilometres to the team of people who will cover the 160,000 km of the World March. Kilometres can be donated through the internet in the official World March website.

Jody Williams: “Landmines are killing after war”.

It is a mistake to think that certain problems do not concern us, only because they happen thousands of miles away from us and affect people we have never met, or whom we perceive as “different” from us. The world we live in is increasingly interconnected, and what happens in seemingly remote places can affect all of us in the form of violence, conflict, insecurity.

Protests against Slovak language law

More than 12,000 members of Slovakia’s ethnic Hungarian minority community have taken to the streets in protest at a new language law introduced on Tuesday. The new law limits the use of minority languages. Anyone speaking Hungarian in public buildings, for example, could be fined. More than half-a-million ethnic Hungarians live in Slovakia.

Sarah Onyango “Obama” endorses the World March

Sarah Onyango “Obama”, grandmother of the US President endorsed the World March for Peace and Nonviolence, welcoming the idea behind it, she prevailed upon others to support the initiative. She wishes everyone to “come together and take responsibility for transforming the world into a world without wars and a world with abundant openings of reconciliation and prosperity”.

D`Escoto: UN en route to renovation

The United Nations (UN) is en route to its renovation because its current structure doesn’t respond to worldwide reality, declared to the ABI the president of this organization, Miguel D’Escoto, who was in Bolivia to hand to President Evo Morales a parchment in which he was declared by the international organization “World Hero of Mother Earth”.

Trust or Treachery

In Australia we still fail to trust Aboriginal people to make critical decisions about their future. In Alice Springs we refuse to allow Aboriginal people to manage the promised new housing after two years of the Federal Government’s Intervention. The Intervention is the most ill considered Government policy inflicted on Aboriginal people since the Stolen Generation.

Juanes explains decision to give concert in Havana

Renowned Columbian singer Juanes, winner of five Grammy awards, requested permission from the Cuban government to put on a concert for peace in September, along with other Latino artists such as Juan Luis Guerra, Silvio Rodríguez, and Spain’s Miguel Bosé. The idea has met with some resistance from vocal antihumanists based in Miami.

Costa Rica’s Minister of Education Endorses the World March

Minister of Education, Dr. Leonardo Garnier Rímolo, demonstrates his support endorsing and organizing activities in the file of education for the World March. Dr. Rímolo considers the the March to be of great interest to the country, “Education for Nonviolence”, especially the elements that can be incorporated in the Costa Rican curriculum, is very useful in this moment.

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