
Prensa Latina

Syria organised marathon to promote reading among young people

The 2021 Reading Marathon competitions concluded today at the National Library in Damascus with the awarding of the three winners in each of the Basic, Secondary and University stages. Some 100 young people participated in this national competition, which was…

Cuba reaffirms commitment to nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation

Cuba today reaffirmed its commitment to nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation as it addressed a virtual session of the United Nations (UN) in Vienna. We require the maintenance of a balanced approach between the three main programmes of the verification regime:…

Evo Morales condemns repression against mobilizations in Colombia

Bolivia’s former president Evo Morales on Thursday condemned the violence recorded since April 28 against the national strike in Colombia, with dozens of deaths. Colombia is suffering what Bolivia experienced in 2003, its people are suffering repression in an attempt…

French group collects funds to support Covid-19 vaccination in Cuba

France Cuba solidarity association on Monday launched a new call to provide funds on French soil to purchase syringes and needles for the Covid-19 vaccination in Cuba. With its call, the association with more than six decades of support to…

Chile´s CUT calls for a strike

Workers´ Trade Union (CUT) of Chile called for a nationwide strike on April 30 in order to celebrate International Workers’ Day and to demand better salary conditions. On this occasion, the protest is aimed at demanding the government to approve…

More than 50 countries confirm actions against blockade on Cuba

Organizations and citizens from several sectors in more than 50 countries have confirmed the weekend of activities in the global caravan against the US blockade to Cuba, promoters of the mobilization said on Friday. The actions are planned for Saturday…

UN debates on women’s participation and leadership

The UN debates on the participation of women in public life and in decision-making at different levels in the 65 period of sessions of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), to run until March 26th. The importance of…

Hezbollah praises Pope’s visit to Iraq

Lebanon’s Hezbollah on Tuesday hailed Pope Francis’ visit to Iraq and his meeting with Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Ali al-Husayni al-Sistani. Both religious leaders agreed on the need to ease the suffering, injustice, oppression, poverty, religious and intellectual persecution, wars, violence…

Venezuela strengthens gender violence law

Venezuela is presently making progress to strengthen current legislation to guarantee a society free of gender violence, parliamentary and government spokespersons Venezuela´s National Assembly (Parliament) passed on Tuesday the reform of the Organic Law on the Right of Women to…

Russia launches first Arktika-M weather satellite

Russia on Sunday launched the first weather satellite  from the Baikonur cosmodrome, in Kazakhstan, the Russian Federal Space Agency, Roscosmos, informed. The launch of the spacecraft, designed to monitor climate and environmental conditions in the North Polar zones, is the…

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