
Mariano Quiroga

Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1976, Mariano is a journalist, poet and international editor for Pressenza. His career includes publications in different countries and languages. Currently he is presenter on radio programmes in Ecuador and Argentina. A humanist communicator specialising in international politics, his vocation has led him to seek to build bridges that allow relationships to be made between data, events, people and contexts in order to create an inclusive look that synthesises the noblest searches for social justice and humanisation of the planet.

Reconciliation, pardons and amnesties in several Syrian provinces

The invasion of Syria has gone out of fashion. It is true that the government declared an end to the war some time ago. However, the invading NATO and US troops in particular have not gone away completely. The Levantine…

Bridgestone and Huawei: the power of workers

On 11 February this year, the 1550 workers of the Japanese multinational Bridgestone in Argentina received the first half of last year’s “profit sharing” bonus. They will receive about $6,000 each when they receive the second payment on 11 May.…

Bamboo: an alternative against climate change in Uganda

Divine Bamboo is the name of the Ugandan company that produces bamboo briquettes. “I wanted to do something that encompassed both my passion for nature and also helped in the fight against climate change and deforestation,” says the company’s founder…

The communication war was never cold

“It is easier to deceive people than to convince them that they have been deceived” Mark Twain We are not so innocent anymore. I don’t know at what point we lost our naivety, but what is clear is that we…

Peace enters with blood

Yesterday, EU High Representative Josep Borrell announced that the European Peace Fund, a previously unheard of extra-budgetary instrument, will fulfil its peace-building and peace-building mission by supplying weapons to Ukrainian charitable souls. In other words, the European Union, the recent…

China seeks to take the lead in the pacification of Ukraine

It is very difficult to pinpoint when a war starts. The starting signal depends on who is telling the story and whose interests it serves. Clearly, the important date is that of the end of a conflict, the signing of…

Penelope Moro “Bolivia must put an end to impunity because we cannot allow this to happen again”.

With the support of more than 100 human rights organisations, the family of Sebastián Moro launched an international campaign a few days ago to demand justice for the Argentinean journalist murdered in Bolivia during the coup d’état against Evo Morales…

Argentina: No Vote Punishment

The palace of the two Congresses in Buenos Aires, Argentina (Image by 139904/pixabay) In Argentina, the phenomenon of a hard setback for the ruling parties in elections during a pandemic context was repeated once again. Understandably, managing the state in…

Around the Afghan chaos induced by the war

There are many things we don’t know about Afghanistan, many more than we do. So, we enter a realm of assumptions, based on sources more or less interested in telling us their truth. I don’t think it escapes anyone’s notice…

Declassified UK: Repression in Colombia and its relationship with the UK

Now that we are all looking at Afghanistan and evaluating the actions of the Western powers in the “restitution” of democracy in the countries they first dynamite, it is good to get rid of the double standard game played by…

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