
Youth issues

IPB Youth Network Conference Transform! Towards a Culture of Peace

20-22 September 2019, International Peace Bureau Organizers IPB Youth Network, IPB in partnership with ITUC and ITUC Youth With the support of DFG-VK, International Network of Engineers and Scientists for Global Responsibility (INES), Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, Hans-Böckler–Stiftung (tbc) Location Technical…

LGBT+ activists hack bus stop adverts to protest ‘exclusionary’ London Pride

Queer activists hacked bus adverts in central London today (Friday 5 July) to protest hypocrisy of Pride in London. LGBT+ solidarity group Lesbians and Gays Support the Migrants replaced bus ads along the Pride march route to protest the exclusion of…

30M in Brazil: second tsunami for education in two weeks

By RBA/Reportage by Felipe Mascari and Rodrigo Gomes/ Translation by Pressenza London Photos Mídia Ninja, Jonas Santos Mídia NINJA, Leandro Medeiros Students NINJA, Cassiano Marquez Mídia NINJA São Paulo, Rio and Belo Horizonte had the largest mobilisations. “They shook the…

The New Face of Activism: Youth

By Tharanga Yakupitiyage UNITED NATIONS, May 30 2019 (IPS) – Rather than waiting for adults to act, more young girls and boys are standing up and speaking out on the world’s pressing issues. In recent years, the international community has…

Climate Emergency Rally in NYC

Students gather Friday in Columbus Circle in New York for a student-led protest, part of many school climate strikes around the world, against a lack of action on climate issues and to raise awareness about climate change. Photos by Gustavo…

For the Climate Crisis kids the future is now – and Nonviolence works

On Friday, 24 May 2019, Jenny Tuazon – <> wrote: Hi Friend, As a second massive global School Strike unfolds today in 120 countries, I’m forwarding you this powerful call to action published today by Greta Thunberg and other young…

At least 100,000 infants die every year in ten conflict-zones, says report

Every year in just ten conflict-affected countries at least 100,000 infants die who in the absence of conflict would survive, says a new report British charity Save the Children. The study applied the findings in The Lancet’s study to the ten…

IV Latin American Humanist Forum 2019: day 2

IV Latin American Humanist Forum 2019 Building Convergence “The aim of the Humanist Forum is to study and establish a position on the global problems of today’s world. From that point of view, it is a cultural organisation in a…

“Young people are unwilling to inherit this environmental disaster”, Doris Balvin

We contacted Doris Balvín, Peruvian woman with a long trajectory in New Humanism and current coordinator of the Network Beyond Climate Change, who will participate in the next Latin American Humanist Forum in order to ask her how they are…

Global inequality is 25% higher than it would have been in a climate-stable world

Nicholas Beuret, University of Essex for The Conversation Those least responsible for global warming will suffer the most. Poorer countries – those that have contributed far less to climate change – tend to be situated in warmer regions, where additional…

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