

Role of Rural Women, Key for Required Economic, Environmental and Social Changes

Human Wrongs Watch This week, UN Women marks three UN observances that reflect women’s key role in development, beginning with International Day for Rural Women on 15 October, World Food Day on 16 October and International Day for the Eradication of Poverty on 17 October.*  …

Nine Out of Ten of the World’s 570 Million Farms Are Managed by Families

Human Wrongs Watch Rome, 16 October  2014 — Nine out of ten of the world’s 570 million farms are managed by families, making the family farm the predominant of agriculture, and consequently a potentially crucial agent of change in achieving sustainable food…

What Is Known and What Is Not Known about Impacts of Climate Change – Report

Human Wrongs Watch Working Group II of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) on 16 October 2014 lunched the full version of its contribution to the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability. This definitive assessment…

Change Your Food, Change the World: 5 Ways to Bite Away at Your Food Footprint

Human Wrongs Watch By Rashini Suriyaarachchi *, 16 October, 2014 (Greenpeace) — Between production, packaging, transport and cooking, the things we eat can have a massive impact on the earth. Luckily, they’re also some of the easiest habits to change. Here are the first…

Worldwide, a Trillion Single-use Plastic Bags Are Used Each Year, Nearly 2 Million Each Minute

Human Wrongs Watch By Earth Policy Institute*, 16 October 2014 — Worldwide, a trillion single-use plastic bags are used each year, nearly 2 million each minute. The amount of energy required to make 12 plastic shopping bags could drive a car for…

How to cook a peaceful revolution

Booklet review: “How to cook a peaceful revolution”, by Spanish rEvolution Available over the Internet, free distribution.* To quote from the booklet’s introduction: “All of us, to a greater or lesser extent, dream about changing the world, but we always…

There is no military solution to fundamentalism

International Peace Bureau Statement:  Geneva, 16 October 2014. Tackling the challenge represented by ISIS (Islamic State or ISIL) is a tough assignment, both for governments and for civil society. Their barbaric killings and rapidly expanding control of territory have resulted…

The greatest coping strategy is helping others — a conversation with Liberian activist B. Abel Learwellie

By Bryan Farrell for Waging Nonviolence Liberian human rights activist B. Abel Learwellie has seen more death and destruction than any person should have to endure. He’s lived through two civil wars, during which he lost family members, witnessed brutal…

Twenty Days Without News of Missing Mexican Students

Mexico, Oct 16 (Prensa Latina) After 20 days today of the disappearance of 43 students Ayotzinapa normal, in the Mexican state of Guerrero, the government acknowledged that does not know their whereabouts, while still investigating the Iguala case. The day…

An Unprofitable Disease: In the Political Economy of Ebola, Who Lives and Who Dies?

We look at the political and economic circumstances of the spread of Ebola with science writer Leigh Phillips, who calls for a socialization of pharmaceutical research and production. Phillips says that using revenues from profitable drugs to subsidize research for…

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