

Observations in Iran

By Robert Fantina Iran is not a typical tourist destination for most North Americans. It is a mainly Muslim country, and to hear United States President Donald Trump and the various talking heads surrounding him describe Islam, all Muslims are…

Why War? Building On The Legacy of Einstein, Freud And Gandhi

In 1932, Sigmund Freud and Albert Einstein conducted a correspondence subsequently published under the title ‘Why War?’ See ‘Why War: Einstein and Freud’s Little-Known Correspondence on Violence, Peace, and Human Nature’. In many ways, this dialogue between two giants of…

Brexit negotiations: why are the liberal media accepting the first lie of nationalism?

By Adam Ramsay 4 July 2017 for openDemocracy As I crawled through our new Brexit minister’s asbestos-lined maze of corporate lobby links, something became more obvious than ever. Most of the liberal commentary on Britain’s negotiations to leave the EU…

The Grenfell inquiry will be a stitch-up. Here’s why

By George Monbiot for The Guardian A public inquiry where the government chooses charges, judge and jury puts the bonfire of regulations outside the frame. An independent commission is needed We don’t allow defendants in court cases to select the…

The nuclear bomb is a weapon of crime and mass destruction

by Roland Oldham, Moruroa e Tatou, Tahiti The nuclear bomb is a weapon of crime and mass destruction. We should all be well aware of the examples of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, where the consequences still today have effects across generations.…

20th antiracist festival in Athens

Our country is all the earth. This was the slogan of the 20th antiracist festival that took place the past three days (30/6, 1-2/7) in Athens. Traditionally many organizations and civil movements take part in this celebration that hosts political…

The militarisation of society: Education for war in Czech Schools

In the Czech Republic, since 2013 there has been a Ministry of Defence programme known as POKOS: “Preparing citizens to defend the state”[i]. The main interest is to publicise the activities of the Army in different way.  The Ministry’s website…

A guide to “Constructive Disobedience”

DiEM25 3 July 2017 via openDemocracy To confront the Establishment head-on, and bring about the Progressive Europe that is desperately needed, we call on activists everywhere to practise “Constructive Disobedience”. What do we mean by this? Read on to find…

ELN-Colombia second cycle of talks closes with valuable achievements

The second cycle of peace talks between the National Liberation Army (ELN) and the Colombian government has ended today in the Ecuadorian capital, with significant achievements by both sides. In a press conference at the Foreign Ministry, Negotiating Chiefs Juan…

The UK marches against austerity

Thousands marched yesterday in London to oppose the ongoing austerity in the UK which has left health services, education, police, fire services, welfare and housing in a state of crisis. Addressing the crowd Jeremy Corbyn said: “I say to any…

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