
Humanism and Spirituality

The sky is not falling for the “not last” Yanomami

Review of the book “The Falling Sky” A book titled The last of the Yanomami was published in Turin in September 1984. On the cover appeared the subheading “a dive into prehistory”. At the time I had already spent four…

The global scenarios of the 21st century in the light of mega-history

Summary of the first lecture by Akop Nazaretian, in the postgraduate course, “Theoretical Approaches to History”, organized by the Department of Philosophy of the Central University Marta Abreu de las Villas and with the collaboration of the Centre for Humanist…

South American March for Peace and Active Nonviolence

The South American March for Peace and Active Nonviolence is an initiative of the organization World without Wars and without Violence, which has volunteers in several countries of the world, and in 2009 organized the successful and massive World March…

Tribute to Silo, 49 years after his first public address.

Mendoza House, Buenos Aires May 4, 2018  Silo, a Universal Mendocino (*) Excerpt from the talk by Ernesto H de Casas. Participant from the beginning of this movement. We were there that May 4th, 1969, a memorable event in many…

Homage to Silo: Thinking and works

In few minutes we will try to give an overview of Silo’s thought expressed through his books, lectures, interviews and talks that he has tirelessly given over the past 50 years. His production is extensive and deals in depth with…

Tomás Hirsch: Social democracy is in crisis because it’s a bad copy of the Right

Interview with Tomás Hirsch, Humanist Party congressman from Chile, during the European Humanist Forum in Madrid. Hirsch talks about convergence and political alliances, the crisis of the Left in Europe, the role of parliamentarians and relationships with social movements. (The…

The European Humanist Forum approves its Declaration of Support to the Mapuche People

In the closing session of the European Humanist Forum 2018, the plenary session approved by acclamation a Declaration of Support to the Mapuche People which we reproduce below. Chilean deputy, Tomás Hirsch, speaker in the Forum, publicly promised to deliver…

Hope and Meaning – The European Humanist Forum, Madrid 2018

Where can you find discussions, people and proposals as diverse as: ~ Judge Baltasar Garzón, who worked tirelessly to extradite Pinochet from Margret Thatcher’s protection to face charges of genocide. ~ A refugee activist, Nicole Ndongala, Spanish/Congolese, defending the human…

Opening day of the European Humanist Forum

Over 500 people came to the opening session of EHF2018, with people overflowing into three extra rooms after having filled the auditorium at the UNED Faculty of Education Sciences. The atmosphere was joyful in this latest gathering of the European…

Members of Parliament from four countries sign Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty Pledge

On Saturday the 12th of May, parliamentarians from Spain, France, Chile and Argentina signed ICAN’s Parliamentary pledge in support of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.  ICAN won the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts to create…

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