

“We don’t want to repress”: Police in Honduras refuse orders to stamp out Pro-Democracy protests

“We are tired. And our job is to give peace and security to the Honduran people, not repress them. We want all Hondurans to be safe.” by Jon Queally, staff writer for Common Dreams Amid widening violence and ongoing protests,…

Trump’s Making Good on One of His Many Campaign Promises: Promoting Unfettered Police Power

As the world focuses on state violence from Syria to Iraq to Yemen to North Korea, the groundwork is being laid in the United States for unchecked state violence here at home. Donald Trump is making good on at least…

North Dakota: Police Raid Pipeline Resistance Camps, Arresting 33

In North Dakota, a heavily militarized police force on Thursday raided the main resistance camp set up by Lakota water protectors fighting the $3.8 billion Dakota Access pipeline. The camp was largely vacated ahead of an eviction deadline set one…

Standing Rock: Justice Dept. Will Not Send Federal Officers to Aid in Police Crackdown

In news on Standing Rock, the Justice Department says it will not comply with North Dakota’s request to send 100 federal officers to aid in the ongoing police crackdown against Native American water protectors fighting the $3.8 billion Dakota Access…

North Dakota: Police Arrest Over 100 Water Protectors

In North Dakota, police arrested over 100 people this weekend who gathered for a peaceful march opposing construction of the $3.8 billion Dakota Access pipeline. The demonstrators, who call themselves protectors, not protesters, were arrested after they were confronted by…

Fewer burqas, more police

Christian Democratic interior ministers are calling for more security as well as changes to integration policy. It’s only a coincidence that their paper is coming out during the election campaign, they say. The room is really too small. Journalists and…

Gezi Park and Workers

by Kıvanç Eliaçık(*) The ‘occupation’ of Taksim Gezi Park in response to the clear-cutting of trees was transformed into a country-wide, anti-government ‘movement’ due to disproportionate police violence. The ‘happening’ went into the annals of republican history as the largest-ever…

Sacked for being gay in the Turkish Police Force

Osman (28) was a senior policeman who has recently been expelled from his position due to his sexual orientation. He served with the police for 6 years. Now he has filed a lawsuit to get his job back. He is…

US journalist sues NYPD over Occupy protest arrest

An American journalist has filed a lawsuit against the New York City Police Department, saying NYPD cops illegally beat and arrested him while he was covering the one-year anniversary of the Occupy Wall Street protests. Chris Faraone was reporting for…

Occupy London in support of court case against undercover police sexual liaisons with activists

‘Police spies court case suggests sexual relations with activists were routine. Lawsuit for undercover police deception indicates several officers struck up intimate relations with those they spied on’: The Guardian Undercover police use of sexual relationships with UK female activists…

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