

In Chile, a Major Vote Looms over the Rights of Nature

Chileans are voting on a new constitution that enshrines new protections for the environment. By Maxine Lowy Next month, on September 4, citizens in the South American nation of Chile will go to the polls in a plebiscite to decide…

Brief summary of the draft of the new Chilean Constitution

The Chilean Constituent Convention has presented the draft of a new Constitution that will be submitted to popular approval by means of a plebiscite called for next September 4. It is interesting to note that this new text has been…

Radical neoliberalism was born and will die in Chile

By Patricio Zamorano From Washington DC A wave of Indigenous peoples supporting the Luis Arce-David Choquehuanca presidential ticket defeated the main right-wing candidate, Carlos Mesa by 20 points, restoring democracy to Bolivia, and despite the fact that the right-wing forces…

Post-Plebiscite in Huechuraba, Chile: Votes Cast for Dignity for a Community and a Country

By Maxine Lowy (i) Less than thirty minutes before polls closed, and another half hour before the first official count, increasing numbers of people circulated along the sidewalks of Huechuraba, heading for the Civic Plaza, a vast open space where…

Chile’s Constitutional Referendum: The post-dictatorship generation is unafraid of change

Maxine Lowy (i) With the national referendum on the constitution just days away, young people of Huechuraba, born, like their municipality, in the dawn of post-dictatorship gauge the historic moment Chile is about to experience. Huechuraba, in northern Santiago, nestled…

Tomás Hirsch: Leap over Fear

We reproduce here Tomás Hirsch’s chat for TED-X Anogeia, in Crete, Greece, on August 8, 2015: “Hello everyone. I feel profoundly moved on sharing with you this experience in this sacred place. I’m one of the spokespersons for Universalist Humanism,…

Scots voting no to independence would be an astonishing act of self-harm

England is dysfunctional, corrupt and vastly unequal. Who on earth would want to be tied to such a country? By George Monbiot for The Guardian, Tuesday 2 September 2014 Imagine the question posed the other way round. An independent nation…