

Now We Can Finally Get to Work

Dear Democrats, Are you finding yourselves suddenly a bit doubtful of the wisdom of drone wars? Presidential wars without Congress? Massive investment in new, smaller, “more usable” nuclear weapons? The expansion of bases across Africa and Asia? Are you disturbed…

Women as peacemakers: a 31 October anniversary

René Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service  Seeing with eyes that are gender aware, women tend to make connections between the oppression that is the ostensible cause of conflict (ethnic or national oppression) in the light of another cross-cutting one: that…

Steve Amsel: Peace is possible and WILL become a reality. There is no other alternative!

by Milena Rampoldi, ProMosaik. In the following interview with Steve Amsel of the DesertPeace portal, a Jew fighting for peace and against militarism and colonialism in Israel. Just like us at ProMosaik, for Steve “anti-Zionism” never means anti-Semitism, but is…

Jürgen Grässlin: ‘We all have to realize the utopia of peace’

We have met and interviewed the prominent German peace activist Jürgen Grässlin during the Conference about Utopia at the Monastero del Bene Comune in Sezano (Verona), Italy. Grässlin, an arms trade expert who has already collaborated with Pressenza during the…

Peace movement once again strengthened in the streets of Berlin

The peace movement has had a lot of beginnings in recent years. This time it could be a beginning that actually continues. More than 8000 participated in Berlin in a peace demonstration with the slogan “Down with the weapons!!! –…

IPB 2016, the voices of humanists

Immediately after the closing of the IPB World Congress in Berlin we collected the feelings of some humanists who participated in the event contributing to sew new hopes, renew people’s sensibilities and propose concrete actions to be put in place…

IPB 2016, the voice of young people

The young people have been among the actors of the 2016 International Peace Bureau World Congress in Berlin. They claim a peaceful world and a future of justice, equity, solidarity and cooperation in which capitalism and militarism can disappear. During…

Dave Webb: “A treaty to ban nuclear weapons is a fantastic step forward”

During the 2016 International Peace Bureau World Congress in Berlin we interviewed the British peace activist Dave Webb, member of CND (Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament). Here below is the link to the complete interview

From pacifism to nonviolence in Berlin

With the slogan “Reconciliation is the only path to peace”, on the 1st of October, the eve of the International Day of Nonviolence, hundreds of people formed a human peace symbol in Berlin that then transformed into the symbol of…

Interview with Luz Jahnen, producer of the documentary film, “Beyond Revenge”

Luz Jahnen is German and the producer of this film, a humanist, a researcher and a defender of the need to surpass this violence-based system. Pressenza: you published a monograph “Revenge, violence and reconciliation” and subsequently you have given and…

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