
nuclear weapons

NATO Spreads Nuclear Weapons, Energy, and Risk

Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty declares that NATO members will assist another member if attacked by “taking action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force.” But the UN Charter does not say anywhere that warmaking…

Rethinking Global Peace: Addressing Militarization and the Future of Governance

Global military spending surges amid war, rising tensions, and insecurity. New data on global military spending from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) has been released. (Stockholm, 22 April 2024) Total global military expenditure reached $2443 billion in 2023,…

China declares itself a force for peace in a turbulent international environment

Five years after the Cuban Missile Crisis (1962), Latin America and the Caribbean became the first nuclear-weapon-free zone, committing the nuclear powers to non-aggression and non-nuclear threats in the region and promoting global denuclearization. Yes, many countries have signed the…

Mexican Congressman Robles Issues Open Letter: “More Urgent than Ever: Stop the Danger of Nuclear War!”

(EIRNS)—Congressman Benjamín Robles Montoya of Mexico issued the following “Letter to Current and Former Legislators of the World,” on his letterhead of the Chamber of Deputies, LXV Legislature. It is datelined Mexico City, March 13, 2024. Current or former legislators,…

The Munich Peace Alliance stands and calls for the 2024 Easter March, titled “Ceasefire now!”

In the coming weeks, the NATO countries are conducting the largest military exercise in the heart of Europe since the end of the Cold War, deploying more and more troops to the border with Russia and relocating air defense missiles…

BBVA, Santander, Sabadell, and CaixaBank continue to finance the nuclear weapons industry

A new report shows that the number of banks financing the industry has fallen since a treaty banning it was passed, but the four Spanish banks are still on the list. By Yago Álvarez Barba/El Salto diario Since the Treaty…

Webinar Presentation by VFP Nuclear Abolition Working Group: Warheads to Windmills

Thursday, February 29th (Leap Year Day) 7pm EST, 6 pm CST, 5 pm MST, 4 pm PST Veterans for Peace presents: “Warheads to Windmills: addressing the threats of climate and nuclear weapons before it’s too late” REGISTER Join Dr. Ivana…

How to move from a legal prohibition, that of the TPNW, to an effective, total and irreversible elimination of nuclear weapons

How to move from a legal prohibition, that of the TPNW, to an effective, total, and irreversible elimination of nuclear weapons (1) [Achieving] this from the progress emerged in the 2nd Meeting of States Parties to the TPNW (Treaty on…

G20 and nuclear weapons: ICAN’s commentary

G20 members must go beyond reiterating their condemnation of the threats of the use of nuclear weapons The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) calls on G20 members to go beyond reiterating the condemnation of nuclear threats already formulated…

We Fell In Love with the Word PEACE

But just falling in love is not enough. For peace to ensue, a call is urgently needed. To call for an end to all wars and all forms of violence, the first World March for Peace and Non-violence took place on…

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