

“Have reverence for life” – Interview with ecocentrist Fred Hageneder on climate disruption, species extinction and our future on Earth

Heat waves, droughts, floods and wildfires are on the rise, the IPCC and the UN are sounding the alarm bells. Recently, even a report by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOAA (United States Weather and Oceanographic Administration) attested the…

Virtual Global Forum for Water, Earth, Climate, and Diversity

The Senator Andrea Blandini invites you to the “Global Forum on Water, Earth, Climate and Diversity” that will be held on July 5, World Environment day. The forum will take place via Zoom, from 11 am to 2 pm from…

The Lenape Center: A New Year’s Message about Peace

Peace is not only the absence of violence nor is it only stability in one’s life or society. The absence of war does not preclude self-destruction nor does the absence of violence at home blossom only from healthy relationships. The…

What On Earth Is A Human Being?

This article is based on a presentation made at a conference on 13 June, 2017 in Rosario, Argentina titled “Madre Tierra: Una Sola Salud” or  “Mother Earth: Only One Health” By Satya Sagar Many years ago when my daughter was…

An Ethics for Mother Earth

By Leonardo Boff It is a recognized scientific fact, with 95% certainty, that climate change, the main expression of which is global warming, is of an anthropogenic nature. That is, those changes have their genesis in violent human behavior towards…

August 13th is Earth Overshoot Day this year

Carbon emissions continue pushing the Ecological Footprint further above the planet’s annual budget (OAKLAND, CA, USA) — AUGUST 13, 2015 —In less than eight months, humanity has used up nature’s budget for the entire year, with carbon sequestration making up…

Coal: Darkness in the Lignite Era

Human Wrongs Watch By Rex Weyler* – 24 September, 2014, Greenpeace – Coal, known as “King coal” or “black gold” for its historic economic influence, is also known as the “dirtiest fuel,” the most carbon-intensive and toxic hydrocarbon. The industry has promoted “clean coal,” but…