

Social Networks and the Evolution of Conscience

Social networks are a very old human practice. With the emergence of the internet, they have gained a global strength and formats unprecedented in history. However, the most common view of the effect of social networks on contemporary societies is…

The War in Ukraine Is Sending Russia-China Relations in New Directions

While the Ukraine crisis may put some strain on the Chinese-Russian relationship, it has also spurred deeper collaboration between them. Based on a shared desire to undermine the United States’ global order, their constructive partnership will not only endure the…

Cooperation is the Key for our Future

As long as humans exist on this Earth, they must cooperate with each other if they want to survive. Technical progress has made humans even more dependent on each other. This is the most important insight that must be made…

Neoliberalism tells us we’re selfish souls – how can we promote other identities?

Public support for co-operation, collective ownership and mutual care have persisted, despite the popularity of some of the neoliberal agenda. What policies could the left pursue to build from where we are now? Christine Berry for openDemocracy onomics is the…

The dirty secret of capitalism — and a new way forward

Nick Hanauer is a rich guy, an unrepentant capitalist — and he has something to say to his fellow plutocrats: Wake up! Growing inequality is about to push our societies into conditions resembling pre-revolutionary France. Hear his argument about why…

The new political story that could change everything

George Monbiot Do you feel trapped in a broken economic model? A model that’s trashing the living world and threatens the lives of our descendants? A model that excludes billions of people while making a handful unimaginably rich? That sorts us into winners and losers, and then…

Eight essential steps to transform our economy

An economic system that serves everyone and the planet is necessary for our survival. Here are some guiding principles. By David Korten for openDemocracy We’re running out of time. There’s spreading awareness of the institutional failure that is driving humans…