

Vatican, authoritarianism and anti-Semitism (IV)

With the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, Catholic – and extreme right-wing secular – anti-Semitism in Europe increased even more. Thus, in 1921, the Vatican magazine CiviltaCattolic conceptualised that “at bottom Bolshevism is not the old Judaism that embraces (…) the…

The Vatican, authoritarianism and anti-Semitism (III)

After the loss of the Papal States in 1870, the Vatican intensified its conservative, intolerant and anti-Semitic positions. This was expressed fundamentally in the biweekly, semi-official Vatican magazine La Civilta Cattolica, directed by Jesuits, which from 1880 to 1938 published,…

Brooklyn Heights Interfaith Clergy Association Response to Anti-Semitic Violence in our Region

The Brooklyn Heights Interfaith Clergy Association is composed of neighborhood imams, ministers, pastors, priests, and rabbis who have gathered once a month for decades to represent thousands of faithful neighbors at the table. As a multi-faith group we affirm that…

“No Hate No Fear” Solidarity March for Jewish Communities in NYC

“No Hate, No Fear” march against anti-Semitism in New York City on January 5th 2020. An estimated 25,000 people gathered in Foley Square in lower Manhattan and then walked across the Brooklyn Bridge. People from Montreal and Toronto Canada, Connecticut,…

Jeremy Corbyn Condemns Anti-Semitism, After Criticism from Top Rabbi

British Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has again condemned anti-semitism, after Britain’s chief rabbi Ephraim Mirvis accused Corbyn and his Labour Party of anti-semitism ahead of national elections on December 12. Jeremy Corbyn: “I made it very clear anti-Semitism is completely…

Grannies against the right-wing parties

Dear Grannies all over the world! We are very happy about connecting you with our project “Grannies against the right-wing parties”. We began in Austria in November 2017, now our idea became more power. Since our beginning with demonstrations against our…

Democratic Presidential Candidates Plan to Skip AIPAC Conference

Trump’s announcement came just days before he is set to host Netanyahu at the White House during the annual conference of AIPAC—the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. The AIPAC event will include speeches from Vice President Mike Pence, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi…

The Power of the Israel Lobby Is Unrivaled

Zionists openly brag about the power of the Israel Lobby, but others who mention the lobby’s power are branded as anti-Semites.  We are supposed to accept the lobby’s power but never complain about it.   by Paul Craig Roberts, originally…

Brief Notes on Anti-Semitism

By Roberto Savio There is a huge debate on anti-Semitism. I think we need to make a systematic analysis that makes the problem simple and clear. Obviously, the subject is very complex and produces so many urges that any attempt…

Moni Ovadia: accusing those who criticise Israel’s politics of anti-Semitism is shameful

Moni Ovadia is an Italian theatre actor, musician, singer and author. He has long been engaged in the search for a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict which earned him the Premio Colombe for Peace in 2005; we asked him for…