

Rewilding Food, Rewilding Our Mind & Rewilding the Earth

Regenerating Biodiversity in our farms, forests, and our Gut Microbiome for Zero Hunger and Good – Health for All Mother Earth is self-organised. Mother Earth has created and sustained Diversity. Colonialism transformed Mother Earth, Vasundhara, Pachmama , Terra Madre, into…

Genetic engineering research is a secret: How the federal government and the EU want to let us run blindly into a high-risk adventure

Classified information: Millions and millions are spent on genetic engineering projects, but research into the risks of genome changes and into detection methods that make it possible to detect genetically modified organisms, for example in food, is completely underfunded. Genetic…

Kenya embraces solar to meet energy needs

Nearly 70 percent of the Kenyan population relies on costly and environmentally damaging energy sources. But a green transtion is underway, as ever more Kenyans turn to solar power to meet their daily energy needs. Peter Theuri is busy tending…

Factory farming reforms proposed in Germany

Germany is home to 83 million people. But that isn’t the country’s total population: It’s also home to about 27 million pigs, 12.6 million cattle, and nearly 40 million egg-producing hens. Their lives are very hard. Many of these animals…

Nine Out of Ten of the World’s 570 Million Farms Are Managed by Families

Human Wrongs Watch Rome, 16 October  2014 — Nine out of ten of the world’s 570 million farms are managed by families, making the family farm the predominant of agriculture, and consequently a potentially crucial agent of change in achieving sustainable food…

Brazilian Innovation for Under-financed Mozambican Agriculture

By Amos Zacarias for IPS MAPUTO, Mar 12 2014 (IPS) – Some of the technological excellence that revolutionised Brazil’s tropical agriculture is reaching small producers in Mozambique. But it is not enough to compensate for the underfinancing of the sector.…

Massive protests in Berlin against agricultural industry

Berlin, Jan 18, 2014. In a very colorful march about 30.000 people demonstrated with the slogan “We are fed up!” against critical aspects of industrialized agriculture. The topics were as diverse as the participants and the speakers on the podium:…