
Pressenza India

News from the Pressenza Bureau in India

3rd World March for Peace and Nonviolence: Painting competition conducted at Kannur (Kerala, India)

As a part of the ongoing campaign to create awareness among the public and enlist the support of like-minded organizations, the District Promotion Team has organized a massive painting (water colour)/, digital art competition for students on Sunday 25th August…

PRESS RELEASE: UN Recommends the Abolition of the Prosecution Sanction Regime

                        Extrajudicial Execution Victim Families Association, Manipur (EEVFAM) and Human Rights Alert (HRA) heartily welcome the recommendation of the UN Human Rights Committee (Committee) to the Government of India…

Why Does the Role of the Election Commission of India not Seem Beyond Doubt?

by Jag Mohan Thaken Chandigarh, India. While deciding a case, Lord Hewart, the then Lord Chief Justice of England, laid down a dictum– “Justice must not only be done but must also be seen to be done”. “It is not…

Open Letter to the Election Commission of India by the Farmers’ Movement Organization

To: Sri. Rajiv Kumar Honorable Chief Election Commissioner of India Subject: Apprehension on free and fair counting to 18th Lok Sabha election 2024- people’s will must prevail* Respected Sir, Please accept our warm greetings- On behalf of the farmers across…

A journalist bothers the Indian far-right

Prabir Purkayastha created a vibrant publication in Delhi, connected to social movements and successful. He´s now imprisoned at 78 under an infamous law. The episode reveals much about the nature, methods, and vulnerabilities of Narendra Modi´s regime. By Antonio Martins…

They Didn’t Just Call for Peace: They Demonstrated It

Historic Assembly of Proven Peace-Creating Technologies of Consciousness Hyderabad, India (15 January 2024): In the largest assembly ever held of experts in consciousness-based technologies for world peace, more than 10,000 meditators gathered for the first two weeks of 2024 at Kanha…

Ten thousand people meditating for world peace

At this moment ten thousand experts from over 100 countries around the world are gathering in India to meditate for world peace using peace-building awareness techniques. Organised by the Global Union of Scientists for Peace, experts trained in meditation techniques…

The Dalits and the history of their unbridled suffering

It is difficult to discern the history of the genesis of the Dalits, as their history is intermingled with the Indian religious and mythical substances. The historians are not in unison in this case; rather in some issues related to…

Radha – the revolutionary Hindu goddess

Radha is very different from the other goddesses in the mythologies of the world. Radha is closer to human life and human beings. But who is Radha? by Muhammad Tanim Nowshad She (also called Radhika) is a Hindu goddess and…

6th Harmony Peace Pilgrimage In Pune, India to Walk to Ten Religious Sites

A Harmony Peace Pilgrimage across various places of worship in the Pune Camp area will be held as part of an ongoing series of Harmony Peace Pilgrimages, as part of celebrations in preparation for ‘The International Day of World Peace’…

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