At this moment ten thousand experts from over 100 countries around the world are gathering in India to meditate for world peace using peace-building awareness techniques.

Organised by the Global Union of Scientists for Peace, experts trained in meditation techniques from all age groups, social classes, cultures and religions have been working for world peace since 29 December 2023. The unprecedented gathering is currently taking place at the Kanha Shanti Vanam meditation centre near Hyderabad, India, and will continue until 13 January 2024 (source).

Extensive scientific research has shown that these meditation and awareness techniques have a measurable impact on peace in society. The gathering is said to be the beginning of an initiative to establish a permanent peacemaking group of 10,000 people who want to establish world peace and make it permanent.

Together for a better future
Dr Tony Nader, a Harvard and MIT-trained physician and neuroscientist and chairman of the Global Union of Scientists for Peace, said at the opening of the meeting: “Congratulations to all of you! You have only just arrived, but you are already making history. Never before have so many experts in technologies of consciousness gathered in one place and from so many countries: truly, a United Nation of Meditation! And it is not only history that you are making here, it is also the future. Together, we will be demonstrating a much brighter tomorrow for our world Together we will show a better tomorrow for our world”. (Source: Punjab News Express)

The efforts for world peace were also praised by Japan’s former Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama, who suggested that governments around the world thoroughly examine the compelling scientific data presented at this gathering. Hatoyama also emphasised the urgent need for collective support in establishing permanent groups worldwide dedicated to the ideals of brotherhood, peace and prosperity. (Source: The Statesman)

What are these peace-building meditation and awareness techniques?
The 10,000 experts who have gathered near Hyderabad are trained in certain advanced technologies of consciousness. These technologies are based on Transcendental Meditation (TM) and the TM-Sidhi programme, founded by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and derived directly from the ancient Vedic Science of India. Maharishi was a renowned scientist and spiritual leader who taught around the world from 1958 to 2008. Today, non-profit organisations in more than 100 countries offer authorised training in these techniques of consciousness, which have been confirmed by modern scientific research.

Scientific studies on Transcendental Meditation
According to the Global Union of Scientists for Peace, 45 empirical studies published in leading journals or conferences since the mid-1970s have shown that groups of trained people practising these technologies of consciousness together in one place have a powerful influence of coherence on the entire surrounding society. The results include a significant reduction in violence, crime, accidents, illness, terrorism and war. This effect has been called the “Maharishi Effect” by scientists. A summary of the most important studies on the Maharishi Effect can be found at this link:

Open letter to President Biden and all world leaders
In an open letter to President Biden and all world leaders, which was recently published as a full-page advert in the Wall Street Journal, the initiators of the event in Hyperabad suggest that in addition to the billions spent on war measures, investment should also be made in the creation of meditation groups in all countries of the world, for which a fraction of the military expenditure would suffice. It is not yet known whether there has been any reaction from the White House.

The largest meditation centre in the world
The mass meditation aimed at world peace will continue until 13 January. Just weeks earlier, India’s Prime Minister Modi had visited the venue near the megacity of Hyperabad. According to the United News of India news agency, he said: “Kanha Shanti Vanam is known as the largest meditation centre in the world, radiating positive energy. Kanha is propagating the wisdom and traditions of our ancient seers and yogis, which have been adopted by over 160 countries as yoga and meditation – a great service to humanity.”