
Pressenza Athens

News from the Pressenza Bureau in Athens, Greece

Edward Snowden is Granted Permanent Residence in Russia

Russia has given a permanent residence permit to Edward Snowden, the National Security Agency public interest informant. Edward Snowden has been living in exile in Russia since 2013 when he disclosed the American secret services’ programs of massive surveillance. The…

13 Years for the Leaders of the Criminal Organization, Golden Dawn

After five and a half years, the trial of Golden Dawn is coming to an end. Today, the court announced the sentences of those who led and those who participated in the criminal organization of Golden Dawn, as well as…

Bolivia: Democratic Election Processes are not Afraid of Observers from Abroad

This is what every serious citizen thought until he read that, even before the team of observers from PROGRESSIVE INTERNATIONAL set foot in La Paz, Bolivia, in view of the upcoming elections, they were receiving threats. And if the current…

The Courage of Non-Violence against the Madness of Nuclear Arms

By Nikos Stergiou On July 7, 2017, an almost decade-long, non-violent international mobilization of organizations and entities achieved one of the greatest victories of organized civil society at an international diplomatic level. It was the day that the text of…

Forestry Maps – Appeal Made by Environmental Protection and Human Rights Organizations to the (Greek) Council of State

The protection of the environment is enshrined under Article 24 of the Constitution, where it is recognized as a responsibility of the state and at the same time a fundamental right of the citizen. On October 1, 2020, seven environmental…

Golden Dawn is a Criminal Organization

The court convicted the whole party and organization of Golden Dawn.  Thousands of people gathered this morning outside the Court of Athens waiting for the announcement of the decision for the Golden Dawn trial. Schools, unions, organizations, political parties, anti-fascists…

Wednesday 7th October: neo-fascism will be defeated in the court of law and in our global consciousness

A year and a half ago the European editorial teams of PRESSENZA have proposed to the Global Forum of DW (media partner of Pressenza) to host an event on the golden dawn trial. We were about to invite (own costs)…

Moria I: Large part of the camp set on fire yesterday night

Last night, the camp of Moria was set on fire and a large part of it was completely destroyed. The 12,000 refugees sheltered in the structure spent a wild night of terror. They testified, saying that “they tried to escape…

Joint Statement by the Greens of Turkey and Greens of Greece on the recent tension in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea

“We, Greek and Turkish Greens, are both deeply concerned about the current build-up of tension in the Eastern Mediterranean.” In an age of climate crisis, aggressive fossil fuel exploration can’t be an acceptable tool of foreign policy for any country:…

This Year, the Stuttgart Peace Prize is Awarded to Julian Assange.

Julian Assange, the founder of Wikileaks imprisoned in London for a year, received the Stuttgart Peace Prize 2020. The prize is awarded by Die Anstifter and aims to promote the right to unconditional freedom of information and of the press.…

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