
Pressenza Athens

News from the Pressenza Bureau in Athens, Greece

Moria I: Large part of the camp set on fire yesterday night

Last night, the camp of Moria was set on fire and a large part of it was completely destroyed. The 12,000 refugees sheltered in the structure spent a wild night of terror. They testified, saying that “they tried to escape…

Joint Statement by the Greens of Turkey and Greens of Greece on the recent tension in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea

“We, Greek and Turkish Greens, are both deeply concerned about the current build-up of tension in the Eastern Mediterranean.” In an age of climate crisis, aggressive fossil fuel exploration can’t be an acceptable tool of foreign policy for any country:…

This Year, the Stuttgart Peace Prize is Awarded to Julian Assange.

Julian Assange, the founder of Wikileaks imprisoned in London for a year, received the Stuttgart Peace Prize 2020. The prize is awarded by Die Anstifter and aims to promote the right to unconditional freedom of information and of the press.…

Massive Attack: Eutopia in Three Acts

It is hard to overstate the contribution made by Massive Attack to the music world and beyond it over decades. Formed in 1988 in Bristol, UK, they released one of the most iconic singles of 1991, “Unfinished Sympathy“. After this…

Getting it Right: COVID19 Vaccines Procurement

In recent weeks, there have been some notable developments in relation to the procurement of potential vaccines against COVID19. On June 3, France, Germany, the Netherlands and Italy announced the formation of the Inclusive Vaccine Alliance (IVA) in order to negotiate with…

Interview From a Lady in Palestine on Covid-19’s Influence

Consequences of the lock down due to the pandemic in the West Bank Asil Qraini is 23 years old. She grew up and lives in the city of Nablus, in the West Bank of Palestinian territory. The group of Pressenza,…

Labor Day, with Safety Distances.

This year, the celebration of the first of May was different: there was a rally of unions, political parties, feminist collectives, etc. There were people, and the participants observed the security measures linked to the covid 19 pandemic, with safety…

Noam Chomsky: “We will overcome the coronavirus crisis, but we have more serious crises ahead of us”

Noam Chomsky, well-known 91-year-old American linguist and political analyst, spoke to Srećko Horvat on DiEM25 TV from Arizona US, where he is in self-isolation because of the pandemic. Chomsky pointed out that the health crisis of the coronavirus is very…

Manolis Glezos: great left personality awarded with Lenin Peace Prize, dies at the age of 98

Manolis Glezos was a very important personality of the left in Greece. In the EU elections, he was elected first (among the Greeks) in the European Parliament with SYRIZA. He had announced that this was a symbolic postulation in order…

Petition for Emergency Basic Income for the EU

All of Europe is now in a state of emergency because of the coronavirus pandemic, and each state taking urgent measures to address it. At present, the European Commission has announced some initial measures, which include loosening the financial stability…

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