From the Humanist Health News Network REHUNO Health we are launching a place of exchange where we find a new look on daily life based on an experiential and existential psychology (the Psychology of New Humanism), and which gives some concrete proposals of personal work to reach a full sense of our existence and a life free of unnecessary suffering. It is not, therefore, a therapeutic psychology, nor does it deal with any pathology, but is aimed at anyone who wants to understand themselves and have the tools, if they so wish, to initiate a positive change in their lives. Psychological wellbeing is undoubtedly one of the foundations of integral health, which is why it is an aspect that must be addressed.

We invite you to put these proposals into practice and also to contact us and tell us about your experience. Write to us!

By Jordi Jiménez

In human beings, the ordering mechanism is ancestral, it comes from the factory in our psychological machinery. Everyone has at one time or another asked for something for themselves, for their nearest and dearest, for other people or even for the well-being of large groups of people in times of difficulty. There are a multitude of formulas on how to make a request that are not necessarily linked to the ambit of religions or mysticism. Anyone, regardless of their beliefs, makes such requests in times of need.

In the previous article we spoke of gratitude as an experience that accumulates registers of well-being and positivity, and we said that this would be useful in other times of difficulty. Well, in those moments when one feels that there are complications, when there is a lack of energy, or there is confusion or a difficult situation in those around us, that is when it is time to use the request and recover those registers of warmth accumulated in gratitude.

The exercise, as in the previous case, is very easy and quite brief. We simply close our eyes, breathe in slowly and imagine that air coming into our heart. Then we ask for what we need or for our loved ones. We can also take the opportunity to ask to overcome contradiction and to have unity in our life. The more profoundly we feel the request the better. It is not necessary to spend a lot of time on this request, it is enough to pause for a moment in our daily hustle and bustle so that we can connect with its interior and so that the mists or fires that invade us are cleared.

With these practices of asking and thanking, repeated daily, we can begin a work that, if carried out neatly, gently, without forcing things, and with permanence, can produce important changes in our daily lives over time. They are simple and brief practices, but this simplicity should not mislead us. These days we are used to special effects, to spectacle, and it seems that only if there is an oriental setting, with candles, dim lights, bells or other special sounds, strange postures or exotic attire, it seems that this is the only way to connect with something or to advance along a certain path, which is, by the way, poorly defined and unclear. But external scenographies produce nothing by themselves if there is no work inside, in one. In fact, no external object, place, sound or environment produces change if one does not do something on the inside. Sometimes it is even the other way around, it can be distracting and one may believe that one is doing something just because it is there, when in fact nothing is happening.

We hope you find these practices useful and you know that you can tell us about your experiences by email: