

The President of Paraguay, Fernando Lugo, declares his support for World March

“Hoping that it contributes to what we proposed within UNASUR, so that our South American continent is a region of peace”. Fernando Lugo expresses as such his official support for the World March for Peace and Nonviolence. The initiative of the organization World Without Wars already had the support of the Presidents of Chile, Bolivia, Ecuador, Uruguay and Argentina.

UNASUR has lost its way

Seeing the manner in which South American governments have embarked upon a new unbridled arms race with unforeseeable consequences is regrettable. If, for the present, this hasn’t meant open warfare, tomorrow there will be others governing in the region who may use the purchases made now. Only the people can end this collective madness that has started to appear.

Iran to negotiate on peaceful nuclear issues

Iran has agreed to negotiate with six world powers about nuclear issues, but according to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Tehran will not negotiate over its right to possessing “peaceful nuclear technology”. Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Hassan Ghashghavi also said that Tehran will not negotiate about its “undeniable nuclear rights”.

Evo uses the same speech with businessmen as with his popular base

In a meeting at the Forum Nueva Economía that President Evo Morales held this morning with Spanish businessmen, they listened to the same speech that thousands of people were able to hear the day before in Leganés. During the breakfast meeting, Morales welcomed foreign investments as long as they met Bolivian regulations.

Brazil to Manufacture Warplanes to Sell in Latin America

According to the Brazilian Chancellor Celso Amorím, the recent agreement with France on the purchase of military aircraft also includes transfer of technology for the manufacture of such aircraft in Brazil. As a result of the agreement between Lula and Sarkozy, Brazil will buy 36 fighter-bombers, a sign that it is strengthening its military industrial capacity.

30% increase in military spending in South America last year

South American countries spent more than US$51billion dollars in defense in 2008, almost 30% more than last year, according to a study carried out by the Centro de Estudios Unión para la Nueva Mayoría. Military investment is to increase further following a recent military purchase and technology sharing agreement between France and Brazil.

Germany, France and the United Kingdom want out of Afghanistan

Three of the member countries of NATO want to urgently detail a plan of retreat from Afghanistan; this comes after the latest strike against two tankers at the start of September – implicating the West in the death of civilians. A conference will be held between representatives of the three countries to arrange plans.

UNICEF spokesperson gets expelled for his support of Sri Lankan children

James Elder, an Australian national, was appointed spokesperson for the United Nations children’s fund (UNICEF) in July last year. He appeared regularly on television and radio news, as well as in print media, discussing the plight of children caught up in Sri Lanka’s decades-long civil war. He has now been accused by the government of doing propaganda in support of the LTTE.

Further evidence of fraud in Afghan election

A spokesperson for Afghanistan’s Independent Election Commission says votes from 447 polling stations have been annulled due to fraud. The cancelled ballot papers could amount to as many as 200,000 votes. Partial results released today give sitting President Hamid Karzai 48.6 percent of the vote while his closest rival, former foreign minister Abdullah Abdullah, 31.7 percent.

Incitement to use weapons to repress protest is denounced in Peru

Peruvian President Alan García has been accused by the Executive Director of Peru’s Association for Human Rights (APRODEH), Miguel Jugo Viera, of trying to force the Police to use their weapons to repress popular protests. During 2009 Peru has been witness already to 52 cases of people assassinated in protests in the country.

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