
Human Rights

“We are recovering our shattered dignity”.

Arrest of Juan Orlando Hernández must mark the beginning of the end of impunity Less than three weeks after leaving office, usurped for more than four years following his illegal and fraudulent re-election, former president Juan Orlando Hernández was handcuffed…

Public policies and legislation on digital issues: Are there advances or setbacks in Latin America?

Despite the existence of a good number of analytical documents that typify the diverse threats that the uncontrolled advance of monopolistic corporations over the internet and digital technologies poses to human rights and the equitable development of populations, state action…

Morocco’s grotesque manoeuvres to whitewash the Jaya case

Today, the occupying forces withdrew from the house of Sultana Jaya. Sultana, excited, called her family and friends so that they could come and visit her. At last! The blockade was over. False alarm, the policemen guarding the door had…

Honduras: Coopted judicial system condemns Guapinol defenders

Activists and defence team agree to start the process to apply for amnesty. Tough statement from UNHCHR. With a two to one split verdict, the Tocoa Sentencing Court found six of the eight Guapinol water and life defenders guilty. José…

Agreement to shield megaprojects promotes “private profit and public dispossession”, denounce organisations

The presidential agreement that protects the projects and works of the federal government promotes “private profit and public dispossession”, as well as representing “a death sentence for the communities and territories affected” by the megaprojects, according to indigenous and peasant…

Palestine: conversation on the right to water

How do you live when you have no running water in your home? Why and how is Israel drying out the Palestinians? How does the climate crisis affect access to water in the West Bank, and what does the future…

Declaration of climate emergency: an answer to the new generations

Supreme Decree Nº 003-2022-MINAM declaring the climate emergency to be of national interest marks a path towards the future in our country, given the State’s recognition that we are facing an emergency, and this is very important because it highlights…

Thousands Sign Petition Supporting Assange Release

WASHINGTON, DC–Led by the United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC), more than 26 antiwar groups and 2,500 individual peace and justice advocates have cosponsored a statement calling for the immediate release of publisher Julian Assange and commending him for his contributions toward global…

Ecuador: Survivors of sexual violence demand legislation to protect their rights

“I am a survivor of sexual violence in childhood and I am here to demand that legislation be passed by listening to our life experiences”, began S. Altamirano’s appearance on Tuesday 25 January before the Plenary of the National Assembly…

Community justice against feminicidal violence

The faces of the Na Savi women from the municipality of Ayutla de los Libres showed anger, impotence, pain and rage at the feminicide of Angelina García Alejandrino from the community of Coxcatlán San Pedro. They were perplexed by the…

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